I am pretty sure this show used a transphobic joke in its promos. Immediately i thought, “Hard pass."
I am pretty sure this show used a transphobic joke in its promos. Immediately i thought, “Hard pass."
As a matter of fact, that has actually happened. And again, we were still able to diffuse the situation without even injuring the patient.
Exactly! I work on an inpatient psychiatric unit, and sometimes, our patients become agrrssive and “threaten our safety.” Sometimes they actually do injure us. We don’t have tazers, or the many resources, or the extent of specialized training that police officers have. And yet, we somehow manage to subdue these…
Waaaaaay to sad to tell and not funny enough to get me out of the grays. Happy Drunksiving, you beauties.
There is room for interpretation in any religion. My liberal Mormon friends interpret Christ’s actions, like helping the sick and the poor, into a left leaning political affiliation. We aren’t arguing about the LDS religion, we are discussing whether or not it’s possible to be LDS and liberal. You are coming across as…
I find it pretty insulting for you to assume you know more about a culture that I was born into. The fundemental belief of the LDS faith is salvation through Christ and living by his example. Discriminating against the LGBTQ community is not a fundamental belief according to LDS doctrine, but rather an agenda that is…
That’s overly simplistic. You can believe in the scriptures and the fundamental elements of a religion without supporting everything every church leader spouts off.
I’m not sure if you are being facetious, but you can be a fully active member of the LDS church and be a democrat.
Commenting to bump your response. Your response was nothing but net.
Disavowing their same sex parent(s) is actually one of the conditions that needs to be met in order for children from lgbtq families to be baptized. It was confirmed by the church’s spokesperson.
It doesn’t make sense that all sorts of people can be religious? That seems pretty narrow minded.
But their standing in the church will directly affect the membership of their children. It makes the choice that much more difficult.
But what about parents in the church who were considering coming out? Doesn’t do them any favors, does it?
I posted this down thread, but alas, I am forever in the greys so i’m reposting here.
I am an ex Mormon and am still in contact with many of my mormon friends. It is possible to believe in the doctrine of the church and be socially and politically liberal/progressive, but certain church decrees have been making it harder for them, especially recently.
I am an ex Mormon living in SLC (and I actually sent the ksl link to jez). My Facebook feed is FULL of outrage by both my non LDS and my LDS friends. I am mad about the impact this has on children, but I also worry about the ramifications it has on closeted parents within the LDS church. I definitely think this was a…
Man, you are such a ducking citag.
Can anyone find the original source/study? Just with my experience in the vegetarian and vegan communities, this survey seems dubious, especially considering it was conducted by a site called Voucher Codes Pro. I get that people like to poke fun at vegetarians, but this atlrticle comes across as poor journalism.