Muffaletta Special

I thought it was odd they didn’t air this since the commentators were so excited about the win. Yet we got a Phelps countdown clock. The guy is the King and a legend but it would have been nice to give Manuels her due.

Still not worth it. Tarantino has turned into a carricature of himself. Only see this movie if you enjoyed his previous rape and dick shooting scenes.

Still not worth it. Tarantino has turned into a carricature of himself. Only see this movie if you enjoyed his

Cool! Next summer, we are going to do the Grand Canyon, Zion Canyon, and Bryce Canyon trip. This will be so helpful.

You’re an alcoholic.

Touting something as a safety feature but putting it behind a paywall/subscription is pretty shitty.

The Iliad don’t got shit on this post holy fuck

To all the clever folks inviting me to offer the same challenge to Hillary, please provide links to any books Hillary has authored on how to “Kick Ass,” or the times she’s told her crowds that she wishes she could punch out a protester. Please point me to the times she's made an absurd challenge to someone in exchange

Yes, and they come in a wide range of colors

I think these are a bit oversized, but they may do the job

Never measure flour by volume, always by weight.

HAD a bike rack.

When I’m not lazy and have my kids buy school lunch, I use these for their lunches. Seem to work great.

When I’m not lazy and have my kids buy school lunch, I use these for their lunches. Seem to work great.

Another question to ask is who owns the copyright to the pictures. Our photographer gave us the copyright (or it was bundled into the original quote), but some charge extra, or could even make you go through them for extras.

Not if any of the high-schoolers I’ve met are any indication.

Google Alton Brown beef jerky, save your self some money and ACTUALLY dehydrate stuff, instead of buying this unitasker

Google Alton Brown beef jerky, save your self some money and ACTUALLY dehydrate stuff, instead of buying this

They don’t teach Speech in High School any longer, do they?

Can it be called “complete” when it excludes the new one out right now?

Can it be called “complete” when it excludes the new one out right now?

Yeah, not surprising. Aside from the very few bosses I’ve had who are actually committed to mentoring and investing in their employees every performance review I’ve ever had were just a way for the company to avoid giving out raises. Do the review, see that no one cuts muster, “Sorry, work on these areas and maybe

Only if those resources happen to be in your country. It is always better for a country to rely on it’s own resources

Oil is far from limitless if your country doesn’t have any. Electric can be generated from dozens of sources and keep countries less dependant