Damn, where were these when I was buying school laptops for the kids?
Damn, where were these when I was buying school laptops for the kids?
Damn, where were these when I was buying school laptops for the kids?
Damn, where were these when I was buying school laptops for the kids?
Not really. It’s my home not a property. I do, however, keep itin the back of my mind that I will, one day, be selling it. This keeps me making sure that everything is in good working order (though I do need to fix that thermacouple on the fireplace, even if we never use it).
They do, but HR departments are too lazy to sift through resumes themselves and usually won’t let the hiring managers have the resumes themselves.
Primaries and general elections, yes. Because you need only pop in, vote, and pop out. Or, like we’ve switched to in CO, we just mail-in. Also, polls are open for 12 hours. You go in when it’s easiest for you.
Just hope they don’t build a Walmart near you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/12/wal…
Horseshit. Give me a fucking Primary or GTFO. I want to vote, I don’t want to spend time debating with mouth-breathers (crap, too late).
A limo to Air Force One, of course. Don’t be a barbarian.
Oh, so I’ll just go to the Friday night caucus or maybe the Saturday matinee caucus. Because they’re flexible like that.
Mastering the Valsalva Maneuver is critical to diving to any depth beyond a few meters below the surface. I highly recommend trying to get it mastered if you ever want to SCUBA/Snuba dive (or just swim to the bottom of a deep pool).
Oh sorry. Fuck poor people anyways, right?
You’re missing the point. It should not have to cost anyone anything to participate in a democracy. The caucus system is built to keep certain people from participating. It’s less glamorous, but a simple primary lets everyone have a voice (and a vote).
So they have to pay money (or lose income) to take part in the electoral process? Awesome.
Definitely, not in the eyes of the political establishment.
So how do people that work night shifts, are single parents, or have small children get their voice heard in a caucus?
An interesting argument.
I think I’d rather be castrated with a dull butter knife than watch that self-absorbed waste of oxygen pander to the lowest common denominator of America.
Bottle Shock is a great (and underrated) Alan Rickman film. Check it out.
I love a nice hot springs soak (here in Colorado we have a bunch to choose from). Not a huge fan of the sulfur stink afterward, but it doesn’t last too long.
An autonomous semi and they didn’t go with the Optimus Prime color scheme? Talk about a missed opportunity.
It isn’t so much the ads, but the emails I get from recruiters. “Dear Professional” and so forth.