I don't know anything about Utah, but I do know that the amount of things you can get away with publicly in Japan isn't near as much as in America.
I don't know anything about Utah, but I do know that the amount of things you can get away with publicly in Japan isn't near as much as in America.
This is an example of how juxtaposed Japanese society seems to be. They're considered modest and conservative yet tons of their entertainment and merchandise are sexualized like crazy.
I think it's because a lot of the people in ranked now are new to it, and the normal vs ranked mentality is totally different. In ranked, you play to win; in normal, you play for kills. Playing safe and using good strategy is practically nonexistent in normals, so that carries over into ranked. Not many people know…
I agree so much. I hate when people use their reasons for cheating as justifications for it. Commitment doesn't just mean commuting when you want to. Properly end it, then move on. Even if the other person made the relationship go sour, it's selfish of you to betray that person and their trust.
Sure it's not enough by itself to win a game; kills mean nothing unless you're getting objectives. However, winning a few team fights and leveling the kill difference first makes it easier to get those objectives, obviously.
I would also say that focusing high damage champs and kiting is incredibly crucial for turning a game around. I win almost every time I jungle Warwick even when the game is sour because his ult lets me focusing the heavy damage champs. Even if the carry is a tank if you counter build him everything tends to go well.
I will agree that even when a game is absolutely unwinnable even when your team has good communication and skill, people never surrender, and that's super frustrating.
lol the problem is that the white woman is grabbing the black man's face for seemingly no reason. Should people get offended by this? No, but it's painfully obvious that people will get offended and so is a marketing disaster on Sony's part.
I don't understand just looks like a throwback to the good old days I MEAN.........
I smell a Rare situation...
It wouldn't be the first time Richard made an overstatement, but I do agree that some of the characters were above average, and I enjoyed how they dealt with their impending death.
The last episode was the most rushed I've ever seen in an anime. It was a perfect example of why it's better to leave it open ended than to end in a complete mess. Everyone who read the managa flipped their shit at the last episode. Apparently, they skipped 40+ chapters to get to the ending and cut a bunch of super…
Are you... are you honestly offended by his comments? Cause your reply was very accusatory, as if he did something insultingly negligent.
I'm so glad a game like this exists. It's good to see people in Japan mock what many outside consider makes the country weird.
The show is on the edge of the trope of "Show trying to make me like a character, guess they gonna kill her."
the fuck...
Actually, Bioware doesn't do that for their games. They use the same animations and framework as the male character but with a female body.
I don't blame her. Women in the Pokemon world are in constant fear of shitty men with the institution of patriarchy.
Gotta say I dislike the addition of patriarchy and rape culture in the new versions though.