I seem really sexist when I say this to certain people.
I seem really sexist when I say this to certain people.
Clearly Shigesato Itoi is part of some government conspiracy to make the populace of Japan eat giant irradiated peaches.
Some guy gets paid tens of millions of dollars to catch a ball better than tens of millions of other guys that wanted his job. You say TV star but is she an actor? You say records music but is she a singer? A writer? A producer?
I've frequently been given the impression that it's more about shielding women from any criticism, and maintaining the idea of a culture that works against them. This is still odd though, because people criticizing kim kardashian for not having any skills or for not contributing, is basically the opposite of the…
I'm less concerned with them implying she's a victim of our sexist culture(when she's really a huge beneficiary of a culture that values women primarily by their looks and applies less importance to other things), and more concerned with the idea that doing nothing for a living is feminine culture and lifestyle???
Everyone likes to assert that Kardashian is "famous for being famous." But as Samantha Allen writes over at The Daily Dot, "It's not that Kardashian doesn't work; it's that her work is not recognized as legitimate within a sexist world that sees feminine culture and lifestyle as frivolous pursuits undeserving of any…
Great article! Though now I'm horrified at the disconnect between my childhood and the childhood of modern teens. Back then people like Goku and Rocky were my heroes. Now, kids are immaturely being sucked into the world of drama where they used words like fake. thirsty, and chauvinist. Seriously, I don't even know…
I don't blame them. I'm still freaked out that I even have nipples.
Funny how genderbent kratos has MORE clothing than the regular kratos.
Truly an awesome time for PC gaming. Just bravo. I have no words.
This ensures Silent Hill will be coming to PC as well. My life is now complete.
When ESPN's top sports story in the middle of a pennant race isn't whether Johnny Motherfucking Football will start the second preseason game. That's when.
"PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NOT A SCAM," wrote the Mineorama Twitter account then. "It is with deep regret that I have to inform you that @mineorama has been postponed, stay tuned for updates."
I'm more upset that it will also be coming to 360 than I am about the timed exclusivity. How are we going to embrace the next generation if we're holding games back to release them on older systems?
Well, there that is. To the surprise of very few.
So basically, stupid people made stupid comments? Seems about right. You'd need to be seriously butthurt to think that there's any meaning at all behind someone wearing clothes with Korean on them while they're in Japan. It might as well be the clothes' brand for all they know.
Reactions, totally understandable.
No Zankyou no Terror, no Akame ga Kill, no Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun...... Hm.