
I think he meant the parents OF the prankster. As in, if their son is so immature that he'd swat, then it's their responsibility to keep him from playing such games.

Your sarcasm does not prove your point. Claiming that the comments are half syllogisms out of rage, boners, and loneliness does not mean they are. You're just assuming they are. Regardless of what they actually are saying, you're not here to seek truth, you're here to win, making this discussion pointless.

Your assumption is proof that you'll never change your view despite evidence or solid arguing.

I remember when rape just meant penetration without consent. Now it's a blanket statement that covers all acts that are in the slightest bit sexual and can be considered such ten years after the acts happened.

Comedians who joke about murder are all murderers on the inside right?

Statistics should never EVER be considered in the judgement of a case. That's the same logic that fuels racism and stereotyping. On a case by case basis, evidence is the only thing that should matter. PERIOD.

You totally missed the point of his comment.

Consider the fact that she took his name out of the original post. Now, if someone actually raped you, would you ever take their name out of your claim? Hmmmmmmm don't think too hard about that one, might actually use a brain cell or two!

You are allowed to write articles like this with terrible logic and clear bias on a popular website, influencing the opinions of hundreds of thousands of people, and that terrifies me.

the Japanese are too stupid to know they should be offended so let's be offended for them.

If you think trash talk is considered heinous and derogatory towards women even when it's directed towards men, and that in modern gaming this is taboo, then you are unfathomably ignorant. So much so, that I doubt you've participated in any gaming tournament in your life.

God forbid the men eliminate the women for being better than them... You're essentially saying that women should have their own tourney cause they're not as good as men. Why should the female pros be showcased for simply being female? That's asking for special treatment on the grounds of gender, not equality. A

The word pussy is used just as much if not more for men. The funny thing about trash talk is that it's not supposed to be a compliment. What I'M about? Please, tell me what I'm about? I think women and men should be on equal ground in video game tournaments. There's no need to give women their own kiddy pool, by doing

That is the biggest load of fucking bullshit I've ever read. You mean to tell me that we're supposed to treat women equally here, but then give them their own events because they can't handle some trash talk? It's a fucking game, that stuff happens regardless of gender. A pro should be able to keep their cool and

Did you read anything I wrote? I've said it time and time again, it's distraction not just from titillation, but from the story. It's not like story is going on when fanservice erupts, and that's precisely the problem. The plot halts. I seriously don't understand why you keep bringing up other country's forms of

There is a huge difference between "A large reason" and "THE major cause." Where the first quote simply says it is a prevalent issue, the second deems it as the most pressing of all the other causes. I shouldn't have to spell that out.

My posts backed up what I asserted. Not once did I say Otaku culture was a primary cause, or the only cause, but a factor in the population decline. My points supported that, as well as the documentary. I don't know why you're not backing down, the proof is right there.

I'm not ignoring the whole documentary and I'm not saying that Otaku culture is the ONLY reason for the decline. I don't know why you're acting like that's what I'm saying. Regardless of what causes Otaku culture. it's still a factor in population decline. I don't know what point you're trying to make by saying what

I've watched this documentary before. Watch the part where it talks about Otaku culture and its influence on the population.

Now playing

Watch this review. He explains my sentiment exactly