
Nothing you said discredited what I said. Yes the 2D issue is an actual issue, not a theory. Just because sex sells in other countries too, doesn't excuse it and doesn't make fan service right. I watch and have watched a shit ton of anime so I know what I'm talking about. The fan service boom only came into existence

It's because it's very distracting, hardly ever relevant to the plot, and in such excess. It's hard to focus on the tactics and strategies that go on in the show when it keeps trying to get my dick up. Practically all the merchandise is sexualized too, so it's become a standard to put fanservice in regardless of plot.

I doubt it, if it were just for a reaction they wouldn't be sexualizing the merchandise. Anime studios know who buys their stuff, it's the perverts who live for it. Claiming it's all satire is just doing what Kill La Kill did. At first it might of started out as satire, sure, but it did it so much for no reason that

Sure it made fun if it sometimes, but there was so much of it that I don't think the parody bits excuse it. While the show mokes the supposed "innocence" of Shiro, it still tried to ship her as being innocent in many cases, and that makes for a contradiction of character.

The problem is, the game needs more female playable characters. I wish devs would just add more strong female characters...

I would also say the characters were incredibly boring. The female lead was your typical ignorant, completely pure female.

the show reeks of stagnation though in character relations. Even though it sets up for a romance, all it ever ends up being is a platonic friendship. It evens pulls a Nisekoi with the "Hey you, I like... Fireworks."

No Evangelion-Transformers toys?

I wish Ubi would make a dedicated game starring a female assassin...


"We don't want to have sex and damage a developing 3D kid, we just want to do that to fictional ones!" It's not the action but the mentality, and for everyone bringing up video games, people have toooootally different mentalities when watching porn compared to video games. Violent games aren't an outlet for violence,

You have to take into consideration the massive amount of extra voice acting, base skeletal design and animation, along with concept art that has to go into it. The voice acting alone would cost a lot. That's if you want to do it right, which is what Ubi said they wanted to do. If you did it the lazy way, you could go

FINALLY something about anime and not sexism in video games...

Clannad set the limit of big eyes, it was already pushing it anyway. This is just nuts.

In videogames. I'm all for having both too, but it isn't a perfect world with perfect technology, and that's the issue. Developers run on budgeted time and resources, so they have to make difficult choices. With ACU, that was cutting the female option. Ubisoft came out and blamed it on time and technology which is a

let me also clarify with a point I made in another post. Yes, gang culture and narcissistic frat boy culture harbor a better environment for rapists. These are small cultures though and don't represent the majority of American opinions. It isn't American men in general that foster a better environment for rapists,

because it doesn't have to reflect the portions of society and shouldn't be forced to. That's putting political correctness over artist vision. There are more male protagonists than female as a fact, not as a rule. The people arguing are claiming it's some type of rule that needs to be taken down or something. Would

I totally get what you're saying, and I very much agree. What I'm getting at, is claiming that western culture fosters rape culture, and I totally disagree with that. America in no way tolerates or excuses rape. Many feminists will bring up cases where a young kid and a girl got incredibly drunk and the guy had sex

No feminist will explicitly say that they hate men, but that popular phrase, "not all men are racists, but all men are a part of rape culture" is downright sexist, along with most of the words you'll hear. Bring up female privilege to a majority of feminists and they'll stick their fingers in their ears and cry