And another thing; it's socially and lawfully unacceptable to rape in the west. What more do you want? For rapists to not exist at all? So do I, but criminals will exist no matter what legal or social standing society takes.
And another thing; it's socially and lawfully unacceptable to rape in the west. What more do you want? For rapists to not exist at all? So do I, but criminals will exist no matter what legal or social standing society takes.
People say that, but have never cited the differences. Tell me, then, what rape culture is? A culture that allows rape? A blanket statement, blaming all those in an area, regardless of their personal choices or beliefs? It's dehumanizing at best.
Actually I was specific from the get go, referring to misandrists, and based on the wording of my first post, I differentiated your feminism with them. That right there tells you it's not a unified movement. I didn't flip flop like you're claiming. In my second post, I was referring to self proclaimed feminists. You…
You say that like the word "Feminism" doesn't have a million branching denominations.
I've heard, in person, multiple feminists say this exact phrase, along with a similar sentiment, "Not all men are rapists, but all men are a part of rape culture", which essentially boils down to the same thing.
Mainstream feminism? Feminism is such a subjective term and is claimed by so many people with vastly different interpretations of the term. Your definition of feminism is no more mainstream than the misandrists.
I was not referring to that one comment, but to parts of the movement. The problem with the term "feminist" is that its factions are so polarizing that you can't really blame people for assuming the worst because, like I said in my comment, the most vocal party are the misandrists.
Whatever feminism you believe in that gives men any credit whatsoever is severely drowned out by the overwhelming amount of misandrists that have gained clout in society and the media (arguably, Kotaku is now one of these).
Never thought Kotaku would honestly suggest a viewpoint that uses the same logic as those who claim videogames cause violence...
Am I literally the only person here who understands what he meant? He's referring to the taking of the last name. Yes, they follow the bloodline and not the name in AC so it's moot, but he asked an honest question and everyone's attacking him like he's sexist. Fucking ridiculous...
No... no that's literally how it works even today. I think you get the point he's making, but can't seem to let go of your femnazi view. You've backed yourself into a corner, so you have to resort to straw man arguing to act like you're making a case.
You know what I mean...
That's the only option they have though, and the option the former animation director brought up. Otherwise it would take tons of resources and time. You can't always go back to old installments for non-sexism... only with series such as these where they have catered to the complaining audience before.
And to the people who complain I would say, "You're focusing on potential controversy and social issues instead of the actual intent of the game, how do you enjoy anything in life?"
This is their first true next gen game and you honestly think their time and resources couldn't/didn't go to something else other than multiplayer skins? Really?
And here's another thing: People HAVE those games that act as mirrors, aka the real life simulators I was talking about. It's just not in this ONE game and everyone has their panties in a bunch.
There are a good amount of them, and they exist. This year's E3 had a shit ton of them. That's another reason why the whining is ridiculous. And again I say, their focus is not to represent everyone, nor should it be. The company doesn't exist to make you feel good. Even from an artistic standpoint. Would you want…
Here's another example: A world where women mostly play video games. Ubi makes most games with female leads, focusing on the market majority. Bigoted against males? No. If they were truly bigoted against females, regardless of the market, they wouldn't make a game with female leads.
Bigotry most definitely requires an intent in many cases, including this one. If they didn't include a female character cause they hate women, that's bigotry. If they didn't include a female character because of time and tech constraints, as well as focusing on the market, and nothing inherently about the character…