
Bummer, just when I was starting to get what Scarlet was bringing. And it’s not like Rajah has been a standout who won’t get the boot soon. Scarlet brings a lot more to the show and she had won a challenge. This was a stupid decision that marred an otherwise fun episode

Aight Scarlet was robbed. That’s certainly no excuse for the sort of vitriol being directed at Ra’jah on social media, it was Ru’s decision not hers, but Scarlet was more compelling in the lip sync and I’m confident she has more to show than Ra’jah on the show at this point.

I didn’t expect to like her after the first

Scarlet did NOT deserve to go home. She has such a pressence and its truly bizarre Rajah got to stay after that nothing special lip sync. Scarlet understood the song - Last Dance. I do not get the justification for keeping Rajah. Yvie is becoming more and more likeable to me. I'm sure she will be in the Final Four.

I was so disappointed that the vogueing etc was a choreographed routine and that they weren’t going up against each other like on Pose.

K, this was bound to happen at some point. The first elimination to truly hurt.

David Hull knocked it out the park, for sure.

it’s hard to believe NPH doesn’t know a musical comedy like Crazy Ex-Girlfriend exists,

Team Nathaniel.

Speaking of Dan Gregor, I’ve been watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix all the way through from season 1, and each time I see that Dan Gregor’s name always pops up in the episode credits as “Written by” or “Produced by”, I roll my eyes afresh at Neil Patrick Harris.


Scattered thoughts:

I loved that Greg was there for at best one of the moments he and Hector flashed back to.

IMO, Josh had already planned the tent thing, saw Nathaniel as the strongest competition, and tried to undercut him, not noticing that Nathaniel’s advantage doesn’t come from his wealth in that way, though he definitely has a bit of a “poor rich boy” thing going on.

This episode had me rooting for one of the guys while judging me harshly for rooting for one of the guys.  Which is so typical of this show!  It is a show called Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, while really treating seriously mental illness and saying it is misogynistic to even use that phrase... while the main character often

My favorite gag had to be the revelation that Darrel carries a bag of Swedish Francs on his person at all times just incase the economy collapses while he’s out and about.

Man that betting plot was really skeezy although I did like the fact that Josh and Nathanial (And probably Greg and Rebecca) knew about it and didn’t feel like dealing with it. Also whatever happened to that smoothie place everyone used to hang out at? The one that the Wine Bar replaced as the secondary food hangout.

I’m pretty sure the incredibly convenient price of exactly $50 is a joke, not a reality. 

I knew that was how her storyline would end since last episode, but it was still so delightful to see.

We have found peak Valencia, and it is her sheer delight at realizing that she can, in fact, control her wedding proposal. She just has to be the one to make it.

It’s called “defenestration”, Rebecca. In the Middle Ages, the Italians did it so much that they invented a word for it.