
Rosa disinterestedly telling Amy not to worry, that she wouldn’t reach out to the magazine organizer guy to say that she relented on the de-cluttering and Amy sincerely and gratefully telling her she was a good friend was a perfect encapsulation of their relationship (which is great and the show should focus on more).

I heavily disagree. This was a high-octane and riveting hour of television. Sure, the reveal of Laurel’s brother being the killer is baffling. But that’s precisely why we shouldn’t judge until we’ve seen the finale. Then, we can be angry at the show if it botched the explanation. I mean, the writer’s have been

Still, it ends up being a pretty plot-driven episode, Jake and Holt working together to try to figure out if Holt’s droll new assistant was planted by the commissioner to seduce Holt and spy on him. All the comedy about Holt’s idea of what flirting looks like is hilarious.

I did think that for a bit and I was so relieved they didn’t kill Paula.

She was celebrating having graduated law school. You sit the bar after you graduate. You need to as you might go to law school somewhere completely different from where you plan to practice law.

I super loved the little squirrel stickers that all the potentially infected had to wear.

Also, if she could work with Derek’s wind chimes, she’ll be even happier with Darryl’s big penis ...

The five-week wait is going to be agonising, but at least it means I won’t be saying goodbye so soon. [I have been mentally charting the end to Valentine’s Day based on it being the end of the series...of holidays for which NuGreg and Valencia are staying in West Covina.]

I think it’s a normalizing song for someone like me. I was raised to believe therapists and anti-depressants were crutches and I was weak for not handling my emotions myself. I wish I had gotten help earlier because I was pathologically struggling. I try to think of younger me watching this show and I think it would

It’s only now hitting me that Daryl and White Josh probably aren’t getting back together :(

I’ll let you in on a little secret: what do you think April Mindy St. Clair’s special ingredient for the bean dip is? That white layer? Cocaine.

Why would it be sarcastic? It’s not saying you should be on meds you don’t need, but a lot of people are on antidepressants, some short-term, to get through a particularly tough time, some for longer term mental health issues. And people shouldn’t feel ashamed or stigmatized or like there’s something wrong with them

Antidepressants don’t ‘numb’ people, they even out an already imbalanced brain so the person CAN deal with their issues properly and not spiral worse. I’ve been on and off antidepressants for 20 years and they have never kept me from feeling anything, including sadness or anxiety, they’ve made those feelings manageable

No sarcastic at all. So many people are on anti-depressants (SSRIs specifically), me included! SSRIs aren’t really medically numbing you. That’s more like lithium or stuff to help with mania. I think it wanted to help normalize anti-depressants

Mindy St. Claire should feel right at home in West Covina; there’s plenty of cocaine in the San Gabriel Valley.

Having a low key episode before the 5 week break is probably for the best, at least. I mean, not as good as no 5 week break, but still.

Until they cut back to Jacqueline paying Kimmy, I thought the mole woman video was just Kimmy’s imagining of it, not that they actually made it. I didn’t love that weird bit. I can’t see Donna Maria agreeing to do it.

Seek psychiatric help IMMEDIATELY!

16% is not the failure rate. You need to know how many people were exposed to calculate the “failure” rate, which I’d wager is FAR less than 16%.

It did nothing to advance the actual story...” Can’t an episode just stand on its own anymore?