
I think it’s the reason why they’re the only couple that didn’t get the “almost kiss” moment. It wouldn’t feel outlandish at all.

Do we know when new!Greg is going to be introduced? If the plot point is that he looks so different that Rebecca doesn’t recognise him, then it’s very clear from this episode that they’re going to meet on a dating app.

While watching each of those almost-kisses I was physically doing The Cringe. The only way it could have been more cringe-inducing for me is if they’d done the Nathaniel fake-out with Heather instead.

Gotta say I really loved this episode.

Rachel’s been posting some of the carpool improv outtakes to her Twitter and they’re hilarious, including half a minute of Vincent Rodriguez III talking about pooping in the school bathroom.

You know, the idea of Darryl and Rebecca never once crossed my mind, but it makes a lot of sense. Also the idea of Nathanial and Heather being friends. This whole episode was basically characters that don’t normally interact but got along well when they did (Paula and Josh less so but still).

This made me picture what I hope the end of the series will look like:

I loved that moment. Kristen Bell is so good. How has she never even been nominated for an Emmy award???

Unless it’s made of windchimes, it’s not even close to being the weirdest boner in the comments.

Bell’s amazed “I don’t know!” answer to that question is one of my favorite things ever. Right up there with Chidi’s “Why??!!” last week.

I just wish Vicky and Bad Janet had a little more to do.

“How are you this close to getting dragged to hell and still horny?”

Um, guys, c’mon, you can’t even share the video where it shows Kristen Bell, D’Arcy Carden, and William Jackson Harper all teaching Ted Dansen how to floss?

Continuing the Lost allusions; I thought Doug Fourcett’s morning routine was filmed like and somewhat thematically linked to Desmond’s routine in the bunker. Gotta push the button to save the world.

There’s also a lot of jokes about libraries/librarians. We just want to help folks!

Biggest laugh of the night? Michael shushing Janet when Doug cries for assitance with the snail first aid.

Other great Tahani moment: Tahani happily assuming that she and Eleanor are best friends in every afterlife timeline, and Eleanor kindly letting her believe this (they are there now, that is what is important).

Her “3/10 deduction” line was my favorite of the night.

I love that Tahani has fencing training and also the sense to cheat at fencing because it’s an actual fight and not a fencing competition.

You gotta account for the Jeremy Bearemy