Wow I didn’t mean to be exactly right. NEVER FORGET AND KEEP FIGHTING!
Wow I didn’t mean to be exactly right. NEVER FORGET AND KEEP FIGHTING!
Yeah, but can those pillars be used to form the Conjoined Triangles of Success?
I think human rights is something that has to do with everyone. And I think losing business is worth supporting human rights. And I think FUCK ANYONE who says otherwise.
They’re not the New York Fucks?
Can you add the tips link to the bottom? I know current & former Rockets reps are reading this. SPEAK OUT PLEASE!
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Arozarena,
I don’t have an issue with Kershaw finishing the inning and I don’t really have much of an issue with Roberts leaving him in to face Rendon. He was sharp, until Rendon dropped the bat head. A coach should have gone out right then, because Kershaw does have a habit of grooving one after a homer. And boy did he ever to…
Well...I guess SOME PEOPLE get to make edits after 15 minutes. Talk about privilege.
Seamus Finnigan is real? AND PLAYS SOCCER??
I would say that’s Deadspin style guide circa 2017 but Adam Gase has sort of taken over the mantle of Most Eyes whereas Adam Silver is like if Voldemort went on a hunger strike.
The real question is, what happens when he finds out his parents lied to him as a child and he hasn’t in fact been playing tennis this whole time?
Yeah...insert Cardinals fan caveat blah blah...shut the fuck up Carlos you haven’t earned shit.
New father here. Thank you for scripting my social interactions for the next 25 years. Life, hacked.
Right but the real story is the shit photoshopping of Lesnar’s neck...what the hell, man?
Even more surprising than the apparently high number of cannons per capita in this area is that this is happening in Maine and not someplace stupider.
Without question the most cordial comment thread about sports in internet history. It’s like the first time seeing the Grand Canyon.