picardfacepalm.gif - keep telling yourself that...
picardfacepalm.gif - keep telling yourself that...
2016, baby - a shitshow for the ages.
Also, the vast majority of people who have to drive to get anywhere also live in an area where they live in/own a house - at which point charging your car is a matter of plugging it in while it sits in the garage overnight.
Shitty troll is shitty.
Have you missed the last few years? We’re IN a battery revolution as we speak, and it’s only picking up. There is so much research going into battery technology right now, it’s ridiculous.
So in other words, you get it, but this article and society have convinced you it’s shit. I’m not even saying this art is “good,” but you just effectively argued in favor of it.
“He, in turn, is congratulated for his daring, his unique ability to ask controversial questions.”... says the article shitting on him and quoting lots of other people shitting on him. Hard-hitting journalism at its best.
He’s free to say what he wants... and people are free to criticize him. Not big on logic, are you?
Is this your response to everything on this thread?
I know, bro! Blue Lives Matter! SMH at these haters.
Holy shit, people are stupid. We’ve gotten to the point that the internet has created such an echo chamber that people are offended by things they know literally NOTHING about. Blackface is offensive for historical reasons - of which there are many - not because a non-black person is painting themselves black.
2016 -…
Did anyone else find it jarring how badly animated those birds were in comparison to everything else? :p
A gun seller pretending they’re there for “safety classes” is like when McDonald’s puts a fitness tracker in their Happy Meals. They’re there to sell guns, and that’s it.
“...and the script’s digs at the movie’s true villain—the United States—are pointed without being heavy-handed.”
As someone who lived in Korea for ten years, I find this incredibly hard to believe.
Haha, exactly! If they’re restricted to dead/dying/diseased pets, I’m all for it, but considering pretty much all fantasy lore shows animals having viscerally negative reactions to the undead, the hunter drove me crazy. Letting them be druids would be even worse!
I was annoyed when they allowed Forsaken to become hunters - letting them be druids would probably cause an aneurysm or something.