
It must be stressful having your whole life revolve around whether someone is offending your genuine belief in shit people made up thousands of years ago.

New to the internet, eh?

Fad? Did you really just call social networks a fad? Not sure if douche or troll, now.


Dude, what? He was there all of Season 1! He’s a lifelong family friend!

Yeah, it’s ridiculous and pretty much proves my point, but, you know... the Internet.

Lazy troll is lazy

Hahaha, I’m loving all the salty replies. Keep ‘em coming, boys.

“Whether it’s a whole team of Bastions...”

Spend any time in East Asia and this will not surprise you at all. Korea and Japan are getting better about this kind of thing, but China is still a LONG way off.

I’d have to agree with you. Tbh, this plan WOULD help, but it wouldn’t help SF - it’ll help/slow the problem in areas that are gentrifying right now (ie, Oakland and the rest of the East Bay).

Anyone who’s played Bastion past level 5 already knows this. All the QQing is from the people who played the game for an hour or two during the Open Beta and then were off to social media to make memes.

Man, Guerrilla was one of those games where it messed with how I saw real life. You know, one of those games you play enough that it shows up in dreams and stuff? I was on the subway, and as we passed over the river, my brain was automatically going through the best spots to place charges to bring the whole thing

This is not the Apple of ten years ago. While Steve Jobs was an awful human being who I couldn’t stand, the company was more exciting when he was alive.

So pretty much what that Clinton Super PAC is doing, then? I’m shocked by the similarities!

“But when officers used their discretion as to when to film, police use-of-force increased 70 percent compared to camera-free shifts.”

Do you carry a gun and potentially use it to end a life at work? No? Then it’s probably not the best analogy, huh?