
She must listen to a lot of music while manning the reception desk at the Blue Moon Detective Agency.

"Parents who listen to overrated pop punk bands have kids who listen to overrated pop punk bands."

It's HateAncillaryThingsAboutASong,

I don't know why I remember this, but I want to point out "Rendezvous VI" by Jean-Michelle Jarre (sp?) was supposed to be played by an astronaut in space. Unfortunately he perished in one of the shuttle accidents.

OK, so there is still one big Zoom-related mystery: the identity of the man in the iron mask.
Number 6

It's funny to me that Tiki Barber thought he could be this media superstar. He's a personality vacuum. Love Strahan or hate him, at least he's relatively engaging.

Fred: Alright, fellas. I appreciate it. Thanks.

Weekend at Bernie's (originally Office Hours at Hillary's)

One of my favorite plays on that is from The Big Honkin's web short "Advancing Age" (where a man is being haunted by a birthday balloon).…

The Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies shorts are only a few years younger and we can get plenty of people today talking about all of the funny moments. You can say, well the Warner Bros. stuff was in reruns for decades, but that's kind of the point. When TV producers wanted to fill timeslots they chose cartoons that

Has there ever been a funny Betty Boop moment? I mean, could one person go, "Oh remember that one Betty Boop cartoon where [blank]? That was so funny!" and another person would agree?

because we know who "White Shadow" Barry will wind up with.

By HR do you mean HowaRd Cunningham or Howard, Ron?

The next time your co-worker is in a hallway, find another co-worker and you both run full speed into her from opposite directions. As she struggles to get up off the floor shout "The Malacci Crunch!!"

Ever since Night Court I've assumed all judgements are "$50 fine and time served".

I'm with you on The Last Guardian. We only have a vague "2016" due date. We've been fooled before. It very well might be underwhelming, but patiently I wait.

He died looking for that new sound.

Hank Hill: Can't you see you're not making Christianity better, you're just making rock n' roll worse?

First Tom is 40 and treatment_bound is 10. Tom is 4x as old.
In 5 years Tom is 45 and treatment_bound is 15. Tom is 3x as old.
In 15 years Tom is 60 and treatment_bound is 30. Tom is 2x as old.
And what point are they the same age?

To me the best version is from the Rubber Band. They have a whole album where they do Christmas carols in the styles of various Beatles songs.