
Stephon: This club has everything — droids, talking puppets, Sarlac deaths.
Seth: I'm afraid to ask, but what is a Sarlac death?
Stephon: It's that thinnnng where a big, naked woman is in a sandbox, and a midget with a backpack screams as he jumps on her crotch.

The Chipmunk Centipede

The thing that I don't understand about that Jem movie: If they wanted to make a movie about a fake band, why wouldn't they do one on The Dregs of Humanity?

It doesn't maaaahhhter!!

I heard that Nobody Beats the Wiz.

Nice, but quick. It was a long shot, but I was hoping for a few words on The Pentagon Wars.

The only one who can catch that boy? Burt Sugarman.

Rumack: Well, I don't have anything to say, you've done the best you could. You really have, the best you could. You can't expect to win em all. But, I want to tell you something I've kept to myself through these years. I was in the war myself, medical corps. I was on late duty one night when they brought in a badly

The list mentions Droopy Dog, but he wasn't even the funniest character in many of his cartoons. That honor goes to the best J animal, Jubilo Wolf. He has the same laid-backness of Droopy, but as the villain it's just funnier.

On the other hand, I ignore him.

There was a banned episode of Darkwing Duck where the title character's daughter sold her soul to the Devil.

I didn't think it'd be brought up, but I would have been interested to know about his time doing "Cakey! The Cake From Outer Space"

So the first scene has our heroes marching their way into the Witch Queen's lair. They say they're after her for sending the Black Plague. I so wanted the witch's response to be, "Whoa! Whoa! That wasn't me. Maybe if you assholes washed your hands once in a while you wouldn't have this problem."

That's because it's awesome! It's officially the catchiest song to feature both surf guitar and tubas.

George Harrison post-Beatles, partially because Oded Fehr has probably been waiting by his phone for a Beatles movie for the past decade.

Mike bet him 10 bucks to stick around.

The trailer looked kind of interesting, but I'd change a few things. Maybe replace Anne Hathaway with Charles Grodin. You could take out the e-commerce part and fill that with bounty hunters. And instead of having it in all take place in Brooklyn, have it be a cross-country chase with a time limit. Other than that

The one thing that was off was the willingness of the film crew to document someone who was planning on killing a bunch of teenagers (at least up until the night that it was set to happen). I think once I got past that it was an excellent movie.

I was just playing this for the first time a few weeks ago. I think when you describe the combat as mashing the button, you are quite correct. When target opponents it really didn't matter if there was one, two, or three enemies, I rotated the analog stick a full circle then just mashed the attack button. I didn't

There's no reason with enough practices he couldn't make it on the field and give it 90%.