
They're passing liquids through semi-permeable membranes?! I guess what a couple does in private is no concern of mine.

I would give Kim Davis the slightest bit of credit at that rally if she turned to Huckabee and quoted Clubber Lang, "Get out of my face! I don't need no has-beens in my corner. And you better wipe that look off your face before I knock it off. You wanna jump, JUMP! Come on!"

Would you say it was as eerie as Fingal creating his own reality simulation around him?

Stephanie Vanderkellen and Michael Harris were major upgrades to Newhart. If you want to surround Bob with crazy characters they have to be interesting and likable.

It's better than Strip Connect Four. "Diagonally? Pretty sneaky, sis. Uh… hey, what are you doing?!"

"I pulled that sample out of 'Pastime Paradise,' and Paul was like, 'Wow, that's tight!'"

Because I'm old and cheap I'm still on a PS2, and I'm a big fan of the various collections discs. The problem comes when the emulation isn't right. One instance that stands out is on Midway Classics 3 where one of my favorite but fairly obscure arcade games, S.T.U.N. Runner, was included. Not only were the controls

Invasion of the Neptune Men was the most stiflingly boring movie for me. Thank goodness Phantom of Krankor showed up to lift everyone's spirits.

Not that there's really much continuity with these movies, but the last one ended with them trapped in the White House. This can only mean one thing: "Leeeoooonnn, HELLLLLLLLP!"

Fight for the rights of (not quite) every man

Stacey Patton approves of the remake.

I remember one time they had Mark Cuban on the show and Mark exposed Skip as not having the knowledge to back up at least a few of the NBA statements he was making.

"You have been madeover by a Grue."

That game just keeps getting harder to find.

"I am the Walrus" is pretty bad, but it eventually led to the fun "Piggy in the Middle" by The Rutles so it was worth it.

Bugs was rarely the instigator and when he was (e.g. "How come rabbits is only worth two cents?!" and the Tortoise/Hare shorts) he'd get his comeuppance.

Flightplan is the absolute worst. The evil plan requires so many ridiculous things to go just right, not the least of which is that people boarding an airplane looking to get some sleep wouldn't notice a nearby child.

Ha! "I thought we were all orp'ans."

The game came out decades after the movie, and the game is by no means a classic, but I love me some "The Great Escape" on the PS2.