
I'm generally a remorseful fellow—but why screw with karma?

AH! Make it stop!

My male biological timepiece is ticking quite fiercely.

@scifigene: I mean, 'The Day After' gave me nightmares as a child, but the whole planet having its atmosphere burned off? Yikes.

That scene from 'Knowing' is just downright unnerving.

Criterion's a great studio. I look forward to playing this & couldn't give a fig about GT5.

How bazaar.

Good riddance. That man just irked me. IRKED!

That's what you get, Ben, for mouthing off.

@tossin: Well, if it makes everyone feel better, I played me some Black Ops tonight on a friend's PS3. Good time had by all...

Good for her. Scream your lungs out, ladies. Scare 'em off.

@tossin: Oh, I'm sure I have—I'm not saying the PS3 is inferior. Only that for whatever reason, I've been a dedicated Xbox-er.

@Brandon Cassata: You download material that doesn't belong to you without the consent of the owner & without compensating said owner. You're a thief. Embrace it.

What a coincidence. Wi-Fi creates weird abnormalities in my attention span.

My mom knocked sense into me repeatedly as a child. And as a teen. And she gives me dirty looks, now.

Hugs, sweetheart!

Good God Almighty.

@patrickopticon: I, however, have no such qualms. I want him all to myself.