
Canseco is a cretin.

That's Blur Studio, right? Fantastic.

It's a combination of more people owning dogs, and more dog owners not taking good care of their dogs. My neighbor has a pit bull, and it scares the crap out of me.

My interest is piqued.

@truthtellah: Ha! Don't you love how 'special ed' meant something different back then? I played Civ on Apple II's in school back then, too.

I'm only getting about 5 Mbps download and 4 Mbps upload. Pretty horrible, yeah...but I don't game.

Aw, man...!

Oh, look—the perpetual cat look of death. I know it well. Still love my cats, though.

This was handled with all the delicacy of an elephant sitting on an otter.

All you hear about this year is Red Dead this and Red Dead that—but it definitely IS the GOTY.

They're still horrible.

Stay classy, Salley! You didn't like your coach? Fine. But keep your yap shut. And as for putting your thoughts in print? You're a douche.

@xsbs: Are you using Adblock? I do & I've noticed that FF 3.6.13 uses far less memory when the add-on is disabled.

Suck it, early iPad adopters!

Um. That video was horrible. What did it do again?

Whatever. People are amazingly stupid.

Pretty much akin to screaming your head off when someone assaults you—I tell my niece this every day. Scream her head off when something feels wrong.

That was ridiculously cool. Great musical score, too. Also, I'm glad to see Detroit is still around in 2027.