
Dear George Lucas—just let these guys make the next Star Wars Trilogy.

It's like Daikatana. And as with that game, I don't give a crap if it comes out or not.

Epic use of the Inception soundtrack...

Dear Gilbert—you are an asshat.

Only the truly diabolical know how to really make someone angry.

Oh, look—it's assholes against assholes.

That looks more fun than locking yourself in your apartment because there's a riot going on outside.

That's horrible—but you risk your life in that industry.

@Good news, everyone!: If you had any idea how many times my two best friends and I played this very scenario out during college, well, you wouldn't be surprised, would you?

@haybeav: Very true, because Roger Moore is the best. Huzzah!

Nice gams.

My parents always had a special surprise for me when I acted like that—a smack in the back of the head.

@SamBarge: It simply means 'they aren't ugly'...with or without makeup.

Spawn? Why?

@SamBarge: Uh, that's not what I meant at all. Way to read into it.

I find this photo hot.

@SupaChupacabra: Ah, the scene that had me looking under my bed for a full year as a child. Gruesome.

Annnnnnnnnnd they're naturally beautiful. Go figure.

Defending someone you don't know. That's genius.

The answer to a question no one asked.