I'm sorry but that is just coolness personified.
This just in: I have received lewd texts from Brett Favre.
I just got turned on by a cartoon.
THAT...was awesome!
Dear girls who read these books—give a nerd like me a ring.
Dear Monica—please have all my Italian/German children. Thanks.
@♥AntiSocialSocialite♥: You and me, both!
There he first big non-gay man-crush.
@LucilleMcGillicuddy: Best Trek film to date; followed closely by the rebooted Trek.
@Newestname: RE:1 & 2 had some pretty damned spotty controls. Still loved 'em both.
Poor, poor hummingbird.
Ugh. Star magazine—what a joke. Please get better, Michael.
@Tony Kaye: Oh, that's definitely more hip.
@SirBrau: I'm just sensitive when it's kitties or doggies. Or kids.
@LucilleMcGillicuddy: You dare question Khan?!
Hey, he looks good. I'm glad the guy's even alive.
@cheesesandwich: Oh, relax—you'll live longer. We're not making fun of you, personally.
Millar is vastly overrated.
I could have done without the kitty, thanks.