Kneel before Zod! Please.
Kneel before Zod! Please.
It's no weirder than me and my heterosexual man-crush on David Duchovny.
This makes my male biological clock tick rather loudly.
@MagsCO: I couldn't help but think 'Damn, he's a good looking man.' during Monday night's blowout.
Aw, c'mon Common!
I can understand that. If my future fantasy daughter were a cheerleader, I'd want less revealing uniforms, too.
Yep. I'm in love with Helen Mirren.
I want to hug both of them.
Is he tucking?
I have. Hey, it's my liquidy-protein.
@HughJackmanOffForCandy: That's what he gets for dating Jessica.
Oh, Lord—I'm going to be ill.
@dallasmay: I'll stick with the ear-damaging chip bag.
@cheesesandwich: Somebody's taking this a little too seriously.
@musicalshoes: Huzzah!
That's some baaaaaaaad photoshoppin'!
@GuardDuck: lol—I heart this post.
@jennajenna: Isn't that great? I wasn't sure I was going to see 'Red' until I saw that Ernest was in it. Now I'm sold. You rock, Ernest!
Is it wrong that I'm 39 and want to bed Helen?
Uh, okay.