
That was great.

I've got a 3-year-old niece who I babysit quite a bit—but I let her mother handle naked time. Just sayin'...

AH! I wants one!

Airtight? Uh...

And I am the most heterosexual gay-friendly True Blood lover.

That guy is in a reality all his own.

This photo hearts ME.

It's protein!

I've been using Adblock Plus since its inception. Firefox, too. You bet I'll use the malware filter.

Oh, how I loved Thundarr as a child...

Iran must've got serious with their nuclear program.

Dear God—when you reincarnate me, I'd like to look like George Clooney. Thanks, Me.

Not only did he hurdle the kid—he stepped on his head.


I would save her.

I know I'll be mocked mercilessly for this—but I cannot deal with T9.

Good riddance, scumbag.