@bishop1j: Or 'Polar Bear Mega Attack'. Eh, yours is better.
@bishop1j: Or 'Polar Bear Mega Attack'. Eh, yours is better.
@kfkerfuffle: You're better family than me.
@monsterblues: Agreed. I use CDisplayEX. Very trim & reliable.
Luckily, my mother smacked class into me at an early age. Thanks, mom.
I have a maddening urge to hem some pants.
...then I'd be a poor judge of character.
Why do the really horrible scum have to be dork white guys with glasses?
@Szin: +1
@microinjectionist: Me too. There's no buildup—just POW!—she's gone. Very neat.
@Strakus: It looks like the ships are backfiring or something. I don't dig it, either.
I totally dig that scene of the Enterprise outracing Genesis detonating in 'Wrath'. Warms my cockles.
Who's the hobbit in that first scene?
@Me.Yes.Me85: Whew. I was waiting for someone else to back me up before I actually punched one.
@Brando: And girls of ill-repute.
I love random retardedness.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Please tell me that cat isn't dyed blue.
Can we make it legal to punch people who use 'u', 'ur' & '4' in their Twitter tweets?
All that for Kate Moss? Geebus.
As a Dolphin die-hard, I just smacked my forehead. Nitwit.