Could have done without the music. Poor girl.
Could have done without the music. Poor girl.
@Brando: lol—Best comment of the day.
Dear small breasted ladies—I appreciate you.
@FrancoeurFellator: Oh, me too—I can do some major damage with a golf ball.
Go screw, Turkey!
@Zeix: Yeah, I played Resident Evil II and was pretty frustrated with the 'turn fully around—then move' controls.
Good God that second photo is why fantasies were invented.
Am I wrong if I like the cottage cheeks?
Too bad you can't punch old bags.
Wow. All excellent choices. Kudos.
This post confuses me.
It also pays off better than my Journo degree, I'm sure.
@team-science: There are worse ways to die.
@Dagneymedea: Is that allowed?
@Sojiroh: lol—Excellent.
I can't even handle T9.
Thine eyes!
If only she'd rub off on Lindsay.
Work it, girl!
@badmutha: lol—Thank you.