
That's the argument I always present to people that hate Anita. Forget the "message" and just ask yourself, "What does she actually want?" When you answer that question honestly the answer is not that world-shaking, no matter who you are.

Anytime Anita's name is mentioned the filth comes out of the woodwork, so I think he wrote it this way to encourage actually reading.

You sound like an ex-gamergater that is starting to come around, but you still have a hatred for Anita you can't properly explain.

How he felt when he finished:

Oh no! We'll never get to play that CG trailer.

Rarest? The one you get for installing the game.

20 bucks says the parents aren't as bad as this person says they are.

Was my comment really worth that reply? Lol. Calling someone out isn't exactly "nice" either....

Totally unrelated to article, but you know what I find insane? How often people bring this phrase up in conversation like no one has ever heard it before.

This is a good opportunity to talk about HOW TERRIBLE THE WII U NETFLIX APP IS.

All or nothing for me. I used to check Facebook constantly. I would always put my phone down and think, "Did I enjoy that? Like at all?" The answer was almost always no. And believe me, I tried a lot of these suggestions. I ended up with the most boring news feed alive, because I hid so many people. So I deleted my

Anti-Sarkesians will be happy. Playable female yes, but at least you're a mom with a baby. If there's a cooking level they'll probably be smitten.

I quit FB as a new year's resolution. Like PERMA account deletion. I haven't looked back once. You should all do it.

Ain't nobody got time for this freaking term paper. Edit down these stories people!

Why would you be "slightly offended" though? How is acknowledging we can't read it offensive?

But they make money off every xbox game sold... more ppl buy xbox games, more money is made.

The On Health (meaning thinness) part actually didn't come across as thin-obsessed to me, surprisingly.

I want to play these re-releases on my tv, not a tiny screen!

Sighhhhhhhhhhhh. If there's a technical reason a dev is limiting their game, that's also a technical problem.

"Supposedly for technical reasons" is what you said.... technical problems.