
I didn’t really care for the new movie. Didn’t like the new fatzilla design, didn’t like Godzilla playing second fiddle in his own movie, nor the unsympathetic, “wooden” hero that just seemed to careen from set piece to set piece and somehow end up in the middle of every major incident of the movie.

So, that means Godzilla will be on screen for 12 minutes in this film? A full 50% more Godzilla?

I struggle a lot with this.

This might be a recent development for me in my old age, but there’s something that really irks me about somebody treating “going into life or death battle” with the same attitude as visiting the arcade at the local mall.

he’s so annoying...

“I’ve got back into the sci-fi thing, I kind of adore it,”

“5 times Academy Awards Viewer, Ryan Reynolds” Haha! Love it already.

Since when did DOOM have guns in it?

It was quite a hiatus but Beast Wars surpassed the original Transformers cartoon. For such early CG animation its still amazing to look at. Especially in seasons 2 and 3 it occasionally wrestled with more dramatic and serialized stories and emotional themes. Also who wouldn’t want to watch Ratrap bicker with Dinobot?

I mean this is jezebel its like 4chan for women


What a mean spirited post. Some guy feels insecure about his appearance, and your answer is to write a rant at him about his privilege. Unbelievable.

Marvel’s latest superhero movie, Ant-Man, is very well made. It has some good action and a few really clever bits. There are some funny parts, along with some not-that-funny parts. This movie pretty much gets the job done. But it’s not particularly memorable, or especially amazing.

All I’m seeing:

I can’t comprehend the coupling of that video footage and that ‘nothing-is-ever-going-to-be-the-same-after-high-school-so-lets-cry-and-makeout-one-last-time’ music. That is the youtube equivalent of Lewis Black overhearing someone say, “If it weren’t for my horse, I’d never have spent that year in college”.

Also fuck that song playing in the background, whatever the fuck it is.

I was so overjoyed that my teenage daughter didn’t want piece of shit Beets when she asked for a pair of Sennheiser MM-550 X cans that I completely forgot to balk at the $270 price.

I’ll start hoarding earth and paper. In 2 billion years, I’ll be rich!