Fan made stuff IS better.
Fan made stuff IS better.
This might be a recent development for me in my old age, but there’s something that really irks me about somebody treating “going into life or death battle” with the same attitude as visiting the arcade at the local mall.
he’s so annoying...
Since when did DOOM have guns in it?
I mean this is jezebel its like 4chan for women
What a mean spirited post. Some guy feels insecure about his appearance, and your answer is to write a rant at him about his privilege. Unbelievable.
I can’t comprehend the coupling of that video footage and that ‘nothing-is-ever-going-to-be-the-same-after-high-school-so-lets-cry-and-makeout-one-last-time’ music. That is the youtube equivalent of Lewis Black overhearing someone say, “If it weren’t for my horse, I’d never have spent that year in college”.
Also fuck that song playing in the background, whatever the fuck it is.
It is pretty surprising, I would have imagined Funi would have had the rights to it because they own pretty much everything Dragonball here but maybe CR is fighting them on this.
I bought 6 of these to display on my counter so I don’t have to go to the gym.
Great title!
How many contradictions can one person fit into a post?! lol...
A Blur trailer?
This game looks beautiful and it is definitely not slow. If you want the same old game just go play it.
The self entitlement is real
I honestly liked having the CHOICE to not use them. the feeling of picking one up and then tossing it aside was magnificent. now it’s by design and the choice has been taken out of it. while I agree the gunless experience was incredible, it was enhanced because I COULD have used guns but chose not to..