
No one has ever blamed a brown palette on technical problems...

Soooo when's the Pinocchio Avengers mashup trailer happening?

I'm cool with that. He's pretty forgettable.

Once again... EDIT DOWN YOUR STORIES, PEOPLE! We don't need two paragraphs of shift breakdowns to understand that it was late at night and the customer was a bitch.

Remember when this was a thing in Halo 2?

A Hotline Miami-ish Friday the 13th game would be dope.

Good for High Rez Studios. They haven't had the greatest success so far, but Smite has definitely taken off. Nice to see a studio not in LA or Seattle going strong.

This might get me interested in Far Cry for the first time:

I'm quitting FB as a new years resolution. I've known for a while now that it doesn't make me happy. In fact, it kind of drives me crazy. Time to pull the plug.

Edit down your stories, people. We don't need any back story! Just tell us what happened.

I just want a DBZ game that breaks the mold. It should look like this and be more adventure and less fighting. What Arkham did for Batman basically.

I don't think these headphones are that great. Yeah, the magnet thing is cool and the cord is great, but the buds stick out pretty far and they don't have any way of staying snug in your ears.

I don't think these headphones are that great. Yeah, the magnet thing is cool and the cord is great, but the buds

Only 2 AAA games on your top ten list?

This story is too long.

Is this Gohan? Why does he get more lame every time?

That thumbnail image at first glance looked like some kind of shark faced horn dude. Imagine my disappointment when I clicked to find its just a fox girl.

This is perfect imo. Goat Sim is fun, but you instinctively have to kinda make up your own "quests" to have fun because there's nothing to do but dick around. The game suggesting what shenanigans to do I think will be great.

If everyone looked like this I might actually play this game.