Doesn’t mean those 6 kids get their rights taken away. Even if the majority doesn’t like the minority, the minority still has their rights. And organic milk is good for you!
Doesn’t mean those 6 kids get their rights taken away. Even if the majority doesn’t like the minority, the minority still has their rights. And organic milk is good for you!
Well California isn’t forcing the manufacturers to buld ca emissions cars for other states. If they are volunteering to do so thats on them, not us. Go write them a letter or something and leave us alone!
Damn i would never use my late model bmw as a barricade against a 1990’s sentra.
Don’t be a person of color.
Carmax also makes their money financing for their buyers as well.
Must be nice to be white. When I was at the dealer talking lease terms for a CRV, Honda Financial said I could pay 600 a month...for a damn CRV. The white lady the next cubicle over was quoted 400 a month (she was leasing too) for an Accord Touring which was basically the same MSRP. My credit was 750 and they wanted…
I drive a CRV... I don’t belong here 😔
What you call cesspool I call melting pot. I love diversity, different restaurants, and cultures. I’ve experienced living in suburbs where the best restaurant in town is an Applebee’s. I’ll take cesspool every time!
The only vehicle i’ve ever known to require 89 was the hemi v8’s.
Actually, i think this is a Cerberus product.
If math works in your favor, financing isn’t bad. If I had $25K but qualified for 60 months at 0.9 apr, i’m better off putting that money into and index fund that conservatively may grow 3% (plus dividends).
Higher fuel economy standards gave us Earthdreams, Skyactiv, Variable compression, etc. a friken AwD CRV gets 3o mpg! A ford F150 gets 23 mpg...a fullsize pickup. Why are people mad about this??
Just worry about you dude. Let us live our lives.
So your “don’t tread on me” metality trumps my right to me being able to breath? bye felicia.
Agreed. I should be smart enough to know my Chia Pet isn’t a real living pet, despite being called a “pet”.
Well Prentice Hall makes textooks for the Texas market that glorifies slaverly and everyone outside of Texas is forced to learn from them. I think we’re even.
Da fuq??? So we don’t want to breathe smog and we’re commies now? It obvious some chromosomes went missing when your mom and uncle reproduced to make you.
Our company buys fusions and I don’t see them paying an extra 3k for escapes. I see a chevy malibu in my future too :(
I drive a Fusion for work and own a Camry. The Fusion interior slightly more cramped; it’s narrower and the rear seats have less legroom.
Yeah! To hell with those lung cancer sufferers. Let Dawinism take care of the problem!