FWB: you sound like you may be aromantic. It’s similar to being asexual, but you lack romantic attraction and still have the sexual side.
FWB: you sound like you may be aromantic. It’s similar to being asexual, but you lack romantic attraction and still have the sexual side.
I feel so bad for the guy from St. Thomas who posted on yesterday’s WYTS about how the Pats are his only joy right now. Is he okay???
Shit, dude.
You’re the next Ashley Feinberg, Laura!
Hamilton, don’t you ever get tired of being such an insufferable prick? I mostly agree with you, but still, dude, aren’t you TIRED?
Matt lives with both a Brent and a Brett? Does it get confusing?
“Dr. Peled says ideally she’d have two months to wrap up therapy for a child patient, and four to six months for an adult.”
Errors like these are NOT MINOR. Please, please, please, Univision overlords, hire a copyeditor and fact-checker, this is ridiculous.
Ha ha, Poolesville. Hi from nearby shitheap Maryland, David.
Some use it as a springboard, others are just doing it for fun and the money is either not important or commensurate to the level of work vs. fun they’re having.
She’s different because God cleansed her of sin to prepare her to bear the Savior.
I just want to say that I will do the work of coordinating and editing a WYTS for hockey if this site will run it. Barry, hmu.
So we’re supposed to network... but not actually do anything to achieve said networking. Cool.
True. I was thinking about things like how they keep marijuana testing out of the league, so players can use that for pain relief as long as they keep their mouths shut about it.
The NHLPA has its moments. Not great, but not awful.
“Vox Media draws a distinction between adding a site to its existing corporate family of sites, which already includes SB Nation”
Really disappointing.
“Spirit animal” is a term that has real cultural meaning to Native Americans; this usage is appropriative. Please rephrase.
I have to go with routine. I write at least 500 words per day, unless I do another writing-related task like revision, editing, market research, or preparing and submitting a document. Something related to the work must be done every day, no matter what is going on around me.
I’m not a defensive Sens fan and I didn’t find the game boring at all.