
We are so not unicorns. I banged many dudes and have no regrets at all.

"In my early twenties, I was a slut. I don't use that word to slut-shame myself, I use it because I feel that it accurately describes me at 22. "Kinda whore-y" would also work. Or perhaps, "sexually pliable." But regardless of what name you use, I was one and now that I have a daughter of my own I plan to raise

Lol you mean "casual" right?

My mother's advice was that I should ride a few stallions before I pick one. I think she was slightly bummed when I married the only stallion I'd ever ridden.

Lol at "similar (terrible) priorities."

at least she keeps her word

I just gave a survey in my class of about 50 people today, and I was amazed to discover that after watching the first video, most people blamed Janay for "instigating," as some people put it. 78% thought she instigated it.

this is a bunch of things but erin's dress is "backwards" and it says erin over her vagina and i can't handle it.

Kinda looks like Maya Rudolph right here.


You know the journalist Jessica Chastain was speaking of wanted her to say something along the lines of "Don't take naked pictures of yourself." Glad she was quick on her toes and didn't give the satisfaction of that bullshit response.

Yeah. As far as I'm concerned, if she was fully aware of the situation (whether he said he was going to leave his wife or not), she bears some part of responsibility here.

Baby fingers are delicious. What's your point?

Sanford’s PR team:

That wasn’t a ferret nice thing to say...

I don't understand the mentality of women who want to marry the man who cheated on their wives for them. If he did that to their wives, what makes you think they won't do something like that to you? This feckless asshole was never going to marry her but he was adept enough at stringing her along so he got what he

You can exercise while pregnant, if your doctor says all is well. Pregnancy isn't an illness. It is a state of health.

Tai Chi or.....?

AND she just did that huge show on the VMAs?