But still, those Coffee Break challenges can go fuck themselves.
But still, those Coffee Break challenges can go fuck themselves.
I came across my old PS2 when I was quarantine-cleaning in the garage yesterday - it’s gonna be GT4 wall-to-wall for me now! I even found the cartridges with all my old saved game profiles.
Dymaxion, duh. I thought you guys were the experts on all that stuff.
Damn, Torch. On some of those, I was, like, “Nah, that’s a totally wrong answer...” I never should have doubted.
Bless you, my son.
All I discovered when I went to Vietnam was more fun on a moped than I ever thought possible, mind-blowing noodles, and beaches that rival any in our local interstellar space.
And yet, somehow, I think you are having more fun than I did.
Yeah, those songs are embedded in my limbic system at this point.
I was extremely lucky to see NMH on their “farewell” tour a few years ago, and at the show I was at they played every track from “In the Aeroplane”, but... out of order. It was disorienting. But still one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.
Yeah, I grew up with the unfortunate term “huggies” also - that was in Wyoming, so... who knows.
Such a great band, but I believe the Pavement show I went to remains the absolute worst concert I’ve ever been to. Had to leave early.
My main complaint with Facebook Marketplace is the automatically generated response button that says, “Is this still available?”
This is absolutely the dumbest possible auto-reply.
Wait, what does this mean?
Eh, why not? I say you’re probably more likely to get stuck in your Crosstrek, than your Wrangler Rubicon. So in this case, the winch might actually prove to be MORE useful on the front of the Subaru.
“Thank god for Spirit Airlines.”
Parking lot? Surely there are kindred spirits in the western Colorado territories who wouldn’t let that happen!
“Oh Christ.”
“Eh, merde...”
I was kind of wondering about this last week when I bought a new battery for my 2009 MacBook Pro (still kicking!). The generic battery I bought on Amazon was %150 less than the “official” Apple battery.
When do you think the economies of scale will reach a point where we’ll start to see more widespread availability of…
If you want to subject yourself to more of what you see here, check out David Obuchowski’s The Tempest podcast. In fact, you probably should.