You can’t reason with or shame that motherfucker so please fucking stop making statements like “this is me using my platform." He doesn't fucking care or understand your platform. And he certainly doesn't deserve your fucking respect.
You can’t reason with or shame that motherfucker so please fucking stop making statements like “this is me using my platform." He doesn't fucking care or understand your platform. And he certainly doesn't deserve your fucking respect.
She don’t love you no more!
I look forward to future interim coaches Jim Boylin, Jim Boilan, Jim Boylyn and Jim Boyardee
- Have DeSean Waston back at QB
Never seen so many dubious spots in a game, benefitting both sides.
It was a crappy call. No way that was a first down.
It was the first night of Hanukkah. Chag Sameach!
it wasn’t even close. The line judge f-ed up about 5 calls last night.
. . . curly fries and a beef and cheddar and give me extra arbys sauce. I’ll be back tomorrow with some Red Sox thoughts.
The line judges were screwing up the ball placement all night. Also see: Gronk’s clear not-first-down which was eventually overturned.
Sir, this is an Arby’s drive-through.
That spot was AWFUL. Every replay showed that Murray was stopped well before the first down line, yet it was called a first down and then upheld on review. Just a terrible job.
I agree that it wasn’t a first down. The previous play should have been, however. Not that any of it ended up mattering. This Vikings O-Line is godawful.
Defending the Patriots? Prepare for the deluge of hate and bullshit coming your way friend. (He was stood up, it was a bullshit call for sure)
Still only the second worst McCarthy in Wisconsin history.
I’m available. I’ll let Aaron call the plays.