mike drop
mike drop
...should’ve went with, “I have so many questions, I’ll hang up and listen.”
+1 Lipitor
With his BMI and your standard Wisconsin diet of cheese, sausage and beer? Medically speaking he’s probably a ticking ti-
Dammit, I should’ve gone with that. Well done.
Mads Mikkelsen’s illegitimate son.
I hope the simulcast will be available to watch on Betamax.
I feel like Ward fucking Beaver. It’s a nice moment.
You are a regional treasure, Dave.
A hot dog is not a sandwich...
Same, same, same, same, same, and same. Hoya Saxa
Insanely Hot take: Go to the game tape.
So, as an experienced parent, what are the best children’s’ activities to re-live as an adult, that take you right back to being a kid again?
Which means we NEED the Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz!
I thought “Halle Berry” was Helen Keller’s call for a last-ditch throw deep into the end zone?
Damn, you aren’t kidding. I almost felt bad about contributing to the trend of “wife” being the first google auto-fill suggestion for every male celebrity, but then the results popped up and I understood that would be true of Fizdale no matter how enlightened our society.
We joke, but if that guy doesn’t get distracted by his own wife, his springy 4/5 isn’t going to do it to him either.
I see what you did there, you crafty one, you. +1 Mongolian horsehair vest.