Prediction: upon returning those corgis to their rightful owner, there will be a mixup.
Prediction: upon returning those corgis to their rightful owner, there will be a mixup.
I think he's judging duder harshly for his taste in music.
"Do not laugh at me for writing without having anything sensible to say."
Just read his post. Let me amend that headline: " . . . Triggers Glutten Intolerance, Scabies."
I just had a premonition, a glimpse into the future. In a century Chris Brown will still be in the rumor mill, and the headlines will read something like . . .
Red is Aria's "treat dispenser."
I'm with you all the way. Soiled diapers for everyone!
Another way to look at it is to say that it's weird it held such high ground and for so long. I mean, rock music*, as perpetrated by both the British and Americans, spiked the world's imagination. It held a special class. (You don't see sixteen year-old girl fans screaming and crying over a particularly nice piece of…
Okay, but do you think there is a chai-town? Because chai is delicious.
There's got to be a special word for the form of erasure that goes on in our culture, a form of amnesia that allows men to omit women and minorities from history. Like a selective blind spot.
And an entire white liberal audience just broke out into a sweat.
I think that at this point commenting doesn't really serve her in any way, if you're speaking in a purely careerist manner. She'll wait till she's on a movie tour or doing press junkets. I mean, she's had every opportunity to add in her two cents. If she hasn't said anything it's because she doesn't want to.
Thanks for the recommendation! I'll look into it.
Xorn reference!
If I were five I would be so jealous of this dude.
One of the things that this new rev of Jezebel has taught me is that it is okay to be criticized. We (as white people) don't need to come up with an immediate answer, and we should not make excuses. But we need to listen and empathize. So this is all good information.
The great thing about prolifers is that they get to be dictatorial and condescending towards women while also claiming that their primary concern is babies. Cute, helpless babies. It's a perfect front.
For decades now I have pondered this dialogue between the two sides. I used to try to lend them a degree of…
Other things that neither Workaholics nor Key & Peele deal with during news articles: constant adjudication of their fashion choices. (More for the comments than the journalists, but still. Examples: that dress is really pretty! Oh, I don't like the color of their shoes.) They never have to ask about their work/home…