
I highly recommend using a chain mail scrubber for your cast iron. If used gently, it can take off caked on food. I even use it (Lightly!) on my ceramics, as it cleans off food without ruining my sponge.

Former professional cleaner here: one thing I’ve noticed is that lots of people leave their shower curtain closed and then also close the bathroom door, which creates a moist microcosm for bacteria to flourish. Half the battle lies in simply leaving open your shower curtain and then circulating some fresh air into the

Former professional cleaner here: one thing I’ve noticed is that lots of people leave their shower curtain closed

Somebody else suggested that the parent’s vanity is tied up with the success of kid’s; what would the neighbors think, and all that.

I’m not a big spender, but I do have one significant piece of life advice: when buying kitchen and household items, try to buy things only once. Go for one high quality kitchen knife, one high quality blender, one very nice couch, etc. Then make a commitment to their upkeep.

As usual, Lifehacker has all the best tips and tricks. ;-) I would suggest experimenting with a combo of the following advice....

Sounds like your problem, not the problem of the storytellers. They’ve painstakingly recreated everything except for the accents and the rontgens. Maybe you just have a terrible imagination.

I do this and it changed my life.

I hope his weird thumbs are undamaged. Get well soon, Drew! 😞

I hope not. Hannah’s a goddamn treasure, and she doesn’t deserve to have her private life paraded as thinly veiled fiction.

Triple demon penises are still horrifying no matter what the reason. Does not matter why.

The right is not arguing in good faith. They never have. But we, in a spirit of cooperation, keep acting like there’s any one good rebuttal that will stop their criticism if only we could find it. It’s not true. Let’s focus on the big vision rather than saying or doing things that’s going to combat Fox News soundbites.

It’s not the exact same game. Do you command vast resources to achieve your goals? Do you hire thousands of workers and refuse to pay them a living wage? Vast fortunes require strategy, and lots of it is dishonest. If you are trying to mimic this, you should be ashamed, but MOST Americans are just trying to make an

Jeff Bezos will be a trillionaire within our lifetime.

I have not been a religious Twitter user, so my fatigue is not at the same level as other people profess. BUT. I sided with Wheaton for years, and I believed his stories about bullying, even though I mostly saw an unending parade of fans complimenting him and cheering on his success.

Ever since the Dykstra’s

As someone who has worked with, cared for, and trained dogs, I can tell you with absolute candor that half the people who say, “My dog is really sweet,” are wrong. They’re sweet to YOU. They’re not sweet to the other dog 5 feet away, or to the stranger who approaches with a hand shoved into their face, or to the

I love it when people decry, “NO TAKEBACKS” and assume it’s meaningful.

The law is layered and complex, and it ALWAYS relies on humans to execute it. It’s not, as Mr. Lobster asserts, an absolute, like gravity or thermodynamics.

Agreed. I am as handsy as anyone with the dogs I care for, but it’s weird that people feel okay just touching an animal they haven’t met. Just because dogs are accommodating doesn’t make them public property.

Also, just in general, don’t introduce your dog to another dog without asking the owner’s permission. And when they say no, don’t take it personally.

I pet sit a lot, and the dogs I care for often have anxiety around other animals. When they go outside to exercise and take a poop, I do not have permission to bring

Add scrambled eggs to your leftover pad thai. (Pick out the lettuce and bean thread first because you cannot reheat those li’l beetches.) It stretches the meal and tastes great. Add some sriracha, too!

How many abusers have the Hearst fortune and muscle backing them? Exactly one. His lawyering up must have been like no other. So, yeah, he can get his AMC job back, but the real test will be in how Talking Dead fares in the aftermath.

I would argue that it’s much harder to sell yourself as the charming face of nerd