Our desperate desire to hide from the causes and effects of our own body go hand in hand with our desire to disconnect from the rest of nature and its own cycles.
Our desperate desire to hide from the causes and effects of our own body go hand in hand with our desire to disconnect from the rest of nature and its own cycles.
What counts as an "unhealthy" fear of Toilet Snakes?
It should also be noted that these kids are dumb as shit.
The hairdo is spot on.
I agree with you. Fessing up straightaway would have been much easier. The argument is that they were in his home, attacking him. But yeah. The second you roll a body up in a carpet, you are tampering with evidence and are therefore in a lot more trouble than when you started.
Forty years later, his spirit lives on.
John Stamos & Rob Lowe together at last. Somewhere in 1985 Tiger Beat is flipping out on its canopied princess bed.
Thanks for keeping track. I was wondering how many of the recent public stories were actually part of the original 15.
As the story comes together and more women describe his behavior, you start to get a snapshop of who he really is, and also of the general disposition of a serial rapist. This is a man who thinks of women like furniture. He tells the same lies over and over again — promises of fame — and holds it over their heads.
I don't know whether or not she's blameless because I know next to nothing about her, certainly not in a way that opens her up to judgement. Proclaiming her innocence (or guilt) requires speculation, which I don't want to do.
If you've been "Cosbied" you've been roofied, blacked out, and raped.
Yes, because rape cases are so glamorous. What woman wouldn't want to be called a whore and a gold digger by internet assholes?
If one of the children under his tutelage comes forward I am going to lose my shit. (Relatively speaking.)
The guy who "needs" his legs spread is the guy who doesn't give a shit if his leg is touching yours inappropriately. Also, his arm is spread across the backrest. It feels like I'm on a date that I never wanted.
I have a friend who briefly had a girlfriend who made a career of accusing men of raping her. In one year she accused three men of raping her, including my friend, who is one of the best men I've ever known. Sometimes we do go on faith.
Whoopi has officially fucked up. This is a bridge too far. Fuck her.