Burt, I love it when you work the late shift! There's always a gem, sometimes at one in the morning, when I need it most. And waking up to a story about Bill Cosby getting burned on Twitter, well that puts a pep in my step.
Burt, I love it when you work the late shift! There's always a gem, sometimes at one in the morning, when I need it most. And waking up to a story about Bill Cosby getting burned on Twitter, well that puts a pep in my step.
The best parts of the short clips: Ilana saying "jizzy jazz" and Abby mimicking Buffalo Bill's dickless voguing scene in Silence of the Lambs.
Ehhhhhh gross. Not everything needs to be edible, weirdos.
High fashion, zero fucks given, Jezebel approved.
You're not sorry at all.
The definition of a diva is someone who doesn't give a shit. It's not on Aretha to approve of these ladies. A diva knows what she is. I'm sure the industry was hard for Aretha during her time as an up and coming artist. She probably needed an iron ego to overcome it.
I don't give a shit about how it makes him feel. I'm not interested in creating some pigtail pulling drama so that he notices us. I'm interested in educating women so that they understand when they're being scammed by some dirtbag who paid $3,000 for a seminar that promotes hatred towards women.
"We're only mentioning him this once because the story has been heavily covered and because our readers have sent us approximately evelenty million emails requesting that we weigh in on this."
Lorde! Even South Park likes her.
"Grassroots work on abortion in America has been pretty terrible (seriously I don't think it could be much worse) . . . ."
There are so many factors, it's hard to be fully confident in the answer. But I know that both gay marriage and pot legalization have real money behind them.
This wonderland is closed for construction since someone died on the ferris wheel.
Yet that's where people are putting emphasis.
"I think women's bodies are a battleground . . . ."
Modern civil rights: Gay marriage and doobies, but not abortions or internet privacy. That would not be my preferred set of priorities.
Yes! Exactly. And going around bragging about your prowess is probably proof that one person showed you something they liked.
In my opinion, most people would benefit from a sex workshop.
That is so horrible! I'm so sorry that your mother went through that. I have known families that handled severely mentally ill siblings/parents. It is exhausting. Thanks for sharing.
This is all good and new information for me. Thanks for the explanation!