Ahh, that makes sense.
Ahh, that makes sense.
Re: Madonna and brother. I bet I don't know even half the story! And I'm certainly no Mother Mary when it comes to dealing with self-destructive relatives. Sometimes people can be so hostile, so difficult, that it becomes much easier to just walk away.
I like this a lot more than I like the straightforward style of album cover, which is usually just a photo of the musician. (Then again, I almost always liked Tori Amos' album covers. They were fun.) It can be broadly interpreted and it serves a mood rather than a specific theme.
I was tempted use "shit sandwich" as the primary metaphor, but the other thing made more sense.
I wish Chris Brown would stop pretending that he's disliked merely because of that one thing he did so many years ago. Beating up Rihanna, his own girlfriend, was just the crown jewel in a very busy tiara of violence and stupidity.
She's cute and talented. I wish people would shut the fuck up and quit picking on her.
Ha! Well said.
Their roast is a little too dark for my taste, but I was sort of sad when I realized that their coffee was adequate. One less reason to boycott.
That is purty! Look at those plants in the upper window. I hope those are real and not a poster.
This brings up a legitimate question: in a world where each coffee shop has 10 different blended specialty coffee drinks, which ones hold up under scrutiny?
Gosh, thanks!
I suspect that in practice you and I probably agree on what constitutes adequate service. But one thing I want to say as a former waitress is that the customer is not always right. Nobody has the right to abuse the good intentions of customer service. Some kinds of people start with your premise and take it way too…
It's been awhile since I was a waiter, but I have a few suggestions for getting good service, and they're all pretty obvious.
Scream if you think that Dolores Umbridge is actually the scariest villain in the Potter mythology. She's nurse Ratchet, but even more menacing because of the bows and frills.
It's a great image! I love it. But Marilyn Manson is maybe the least scary person of all time. That man has the dreams of Liberace with the heart of an accountant.
I thought it was great! Even though I've played D&D before I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy watching it be played. But it worked out! Spencer has a great presence and controls the narrative well. He's charming in his own way.
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If you don't want to have a conversation with a logical progression, just say so. I can babble nonsense at you, too.