
One scam that I fell for was the taxi driver that watches you fumble for the fare at the end of the ride. He’ll quickly hide the bill you gave him and hold up a similarly colored Euro bill (lower amount) and politely tell you that you handed him the wrong denomination. It was hot, I was tired and I didn’t want to

When your ribs hit your knees, you can stop.

I have the same question about someone wondering if chewing a willow tree would cure a headache.

I love your sarcasm...

Dipping it in water and putting it over your head sounds like water-boarding yourself...

Dipping it in water and putting it over your head sounds like water-boarding yourself...

"things in the *center*" don't have anything to do with opening your mouth and saying things.

Interesting to note that none of the things in the center have to do with opening your mouth and saying anything.

Now playing

Craig Ferguson distilled this down to 3 things:

"Space Hogs?" Is that like (wait for it...) "PIGS IN SPAAACE"?

I wonder if the 2020's will bring reasonable clear surveillance video quality...

Wow! You guys are really harsh on someone's project. This wasn't made in a factory by a team of engineers and production designers. It was made by someone who wanted to build something with his own hands..

I think this needs more qualification. My first thought was, "reward failures - make managers".

ANOTHER meeting to my day? I don't think so.

Slightly O.T., but back when people used to use percolators, wasn't another trick to add egg shells to the coffee grounds to cut bitterness?

I got the blurex case and it included a nice micro fiber cleaning cloth and a USB-OTG cable that works really well. All for less than $15...

I have that same wallet, except for the rubber band. I rarely lose anything in it - and not having it connected keeps me from losing the whole thing at the same time.

"so you can use your sinister powers for good. " Come on - how are you using this for anything but personal gain? I can go along with the "Evil Week" theme, but this and some of the other articles ("How to get free stuff while pretending to be a student" are just dick moves of people that think they're entitled to

This sounds like a bastardization of the technique of using toothpaste to fill thumbtack holes from hanging posters. I'd be worried that something in the toothpaste would soak into the poster and ruin it (as opposed to poking holes in it, yeah, I know...).

Only comment here is that, even when zipped, you 'll have a multi-gigabyte file. These can be painful to up/down loaded to on-line storage.