
Practice, practice, practice.... This landing took the 2nd wire... I thought the target was the third wire...

Being hired to do "special projects" must be different than being *promoted* to "special projects." Whenever someone is promoted internally to Special Projects, it's the Kiss of Death...

I noticed that the never showed the complete ending of the explosion in slow motion - they come close, but never show the final flame-out. I wonder why?

Not nearly as interesting as I thought it would be.

"...cable checking..."? Seriously? Do you really not know how the Interwebs work?

I just want to know (regarding the theory that we were all taught in chemistry) - were we right?

"Those of us with multiple monitors often feel left out..." Seriously?!?

Wow, this reading layout is confusing...

Funny - I was just wondering if they were going to do this. Their service is good, but their web GUI is horrible. I'm going to check this out now!

Is anyone (who isn't a GM engineer/designer) surprised by this revelation?

For all we know, we may have already gone to war over cyber attacks.

Oh hell no!

1) Yay! Alicia Keys - purely random, but not evil.

Am I the only one that thought that the port-side engine was on fire during the dogfight only to see the starboard-side engine on fire and feathered after the dogfight?

Some pharmacies offer a "reversible" cap that has a child-proof lid on one side and a normal screw-on type on the other. It looks a little weird in the screw-on mode, but it's a nice feature for people that have trouble opening their meds.

In my observation, many "interesting" people stay up late. This isn't necessarily the opposite of "successful" people, but it is a counterpoint to waking up early.

I'm not worried until they can move like StarGate Replicators...

Should've used bacon. Everything is better with bacon...

I've found a precious few sites that don't allow a +. Adding a plus still results in a "well-formed" email address per Internet RFCs. Also, I've talked to at least 2 email admins at sites and pointed out this problem and they've fixed it. So, in context, Amazon *should* allow it (now I've gotta check) and since the

Yeah...uh.... NO. Not going to do it. If it's my fault, okay. If it's not, it's not. If it's ambiguous, well, we'll just work past it.