
Can I just remind you that the original reason they got a reality show is because a morbidly obese white trash mother had a morbidly obese white trash family and specifically a fat rednecky child who entered beauty pageants and people enjoyed laughing at them? What a time to be alive.

I mean, she looks great, but it’s flat-out bizarre that somebody who intentionally enabled child abuse gets to have a reality show about how hot (or not) she is.

Right? It’s so easy. 1) Google his name, 2) Go to the Wikipedia link, and read about who he is and what he says. Feel like this poster is either super bad at the internet or is intentionally being obtuse.

I meant irrelevant in the sense that it was not what was happening here. It’s not, in fact, Islamophobic to disagree with various religious tenets. If I agreed, I would convert. What Maher and this little cyst Milo are doing is not “disagreeing” with the faith.

Basically, for me, it boils down like this. The only reason this guy is able to run his mouth is due to the very rules of polite society that he scorns and pisses all over on a daily basis.

Irrelevant? Anyway I read your comment to osklee and fair enough. They do paint all Muslims with a ridiculously broad brush - yes there are similarities and there are many problematic misogynist things in the religion, but a lot of the things they are saying involve the Saudi (and other) GOVERNMENTS, not people

Part of the problem is that a lot of what he has done has been actively instigating others to say horrible things and harass people on the internet. Most famously Leslie Jones, for having the audacity to be a black woman who took a part in the Ghostbusters reboot. Jones was bombarded with an absurd level of racist

She didn’t even ask a question. Just said someone should do the work of compiling the shitty things he’s done so she doesn’t have to go looking herself (Which several people already have). Literally she could have found the answers she was after faster than typing out that someone should do the work for her.

He used to mock gamers relentlessly as basement dwellers. That is until gamergate, and all those angry gamers went after women. Then all of a sudden Milo was one of the guys, taking on the evil feminists who want to ruin gaming for men. And the gamers? Well they welcomed him with open arms, because they all hate women

He hates all religion. He takes issue with ones that are leading to more violence than others. I don’t understand why people think that’s weird. I think last week or so he said more people would consider Mormonism a problem if sects of it were forming terrorist groups and bombing buildings. That’s a valid point.

I agree completely, but I don’t see a way out for him. He’s got a lifestyle (by which I mean drug habit) to support. It’s kind of like how Eichman was just a loser who needed a job.

Imagine all the offensive things a man might say about minority cultural groups and religious groups, women, transgendered people, etc. etc. etc. He’s already said all of them. And he’s creepy as fuck, to boot.

He is definitely not sincere. Check out this article he wrote 5 years ago, in which he argues that, because of the sheer volume of abuse on the internet, websites offering anonymous platforms should do more to censor people. Actual line from the article, “It’s clear that existing hate speech laws are inadequate for

Maybe just read some of his stuff? Or watch his speeches.

Its not Islamophobic to just disagree publicly with the tenets of a religion

 This is a guy who fled London because he thinks that Muslims have taken over. When he left London there was party thrown, he has hated here in UK and now in US for so many reasons. You can simply just google.

And Bill agrees with what Milo did to a trans student at UW because trans people are “weird” and need to be harassed to death to protect “women and girls” in bathrooms.

Here is my take. I have never been convinced that Milo is sincere (unlike the other alt-right pinup boy Richard Spencer who is dead serious in his white supremacy). Not to say that Milo may not actually hold terrible Islamophobic, woman-hating, etc. opinions, or that he is not doing damage despite how committed he

“militant atheist.” That’s hilarious. When was the last atheist terrorist attack again?

You didn’t ask a question. You said someone should do a thing, which has in fact already been done.