
That's a very, very good point. I never thought anything of my father's exploits when I was younger (despite his serial marriages, he was a great dad). But when I grew up and realised I was a feminist, I looked at him more critically and realised, well, at the very least, they were all in his age group as he aged too.

My late father was married 4 times, for approximately 9-10 years each.

It got to the stage with the last few, when they came visiting with him at around the 9 year mark, I would give them a slow, sympathetic and slightly awkward smile.

No? She is into vajeaming now? Seriously?

Oh no, nope, no. The Goop is gone lost it honey.

So when Mr Roorda didn't like what he heard, he yelled, screamed, pushed people around and used violence against them?

And that would be Mr Roorda, by anyone's definition, what we call a radical protestor.

You gotta love Veruca - the original mini-diva.

I'm afraid the original poster is a bit confused on this. I'm Australian. I work and study in the legal field. There is no such statute. I have no idea where the OP got this idea from.

Interesting, and no offence meant, but totally irrelevant to my point. I'm not talking about other countries here, because the other countries aren't in the article we're discussing. I'm talking about US gun culture.

So I'm Australian so feel free to bash away, but I am gobsmacked at the "child safety" priorities here. Every day I read on my newsfeed in the US about mass school shootings of children, children shooting each other at home, a 2 year old shooting their mother in Walmart, accidental death of 6 year olds playing with

Kristen honey - I don't give a fuck that you give a fuck. Or don't give a fuck. Or we give a fuck that you give a fuck. Or someone gives a fuck. I guess somewhere, someone gives a fuck. Just not us Kristen, just not us no-fuck-givers.

Or something.

I know this is ever-so-slightly violent and entirely uncalled for, but sometimes in life, some people just need a pepperoni pizza shoved clear up their assholes. Box and all.

Just for 24 hours, in honor of this post, I cordially request all the star button recommendations on Kinja be changed to that adorable vagina face. (And that's not a sentence I will write again in a hurry).

I want to give you all the vaginas, all of them.

No you had a flat white. I have no fricking idea what Starbuck's abomination is written about in this article but all a flat white is, is a shot of coffee with just hot milk or hot water-milk. It's just white coffee. So if you poured that horrible brew coffee stuff into a cup and added milk, then you've got a flat

Fun fact 1 - Australians hate Starbucks. They had to close half of their stores here a few years ago and only continue to survive in big suburban shopping malls, so this post amuses me greatly.

Fun Fact 2 - A "flat white" is just white coffee. Doesn't the whole world know that? Why doesn't the whole world know that?


I'm Australian and that even scared me.

This comment made me snort with laughter. I love the U.S. It's like an eccentric old aunt that you never want to change. You keep doing you USA. :)

You do have a point - however you will note I wrote "in ascending order." I think your way makes perfect sense too, but my god, imagine how long it would take to enter the date? :)

Yep - in ascending order, it's Day - Month- Year. The rest of the world manages to do it like that but then, the rest of the world has the metric thing going on too. Logic doesn't seem to play a big part.

'Great Porn Purge' will be the name of my next show dog.

It's the back one to the left. I think it's spinach.

Ah, I see it. Got any floss?

What a helpful, healing and compassionate thing to add to this situation right now.//