shooting magical symbols

WAIT WAIT WAIT. Dirty Dancing (80's movie) was supposed to have taken place in the 60's?!?!?! I’ve never seen it in it’s entirety, but I’ve seen enough of it, enough times, to know the plot, the famous lines, pretty much everything about it. I had NO IDEA that it was supposed to be the 60's. Yikes, bad styling.

“Man-beasts are in short supply these days.”

Yes! I resisted both at first but they are cute.

yeah my eldest is starting kindergarten in the fall, and I have zero plans to be friends with any of the other moms. I can get along with pretty much anybody though and am good in social situations, so I’m confident I can at least just be polite. I’m NOT going to become friends with any of them though, if I can help

Oh that HAY EPISODE. I will never forget it.

Sunscreen and water. ditto! I get lots of compliments on my skin, and that’s always my exact answer :)

I do always have water available to my preschool-aged kids, but not snacks. My mother in law thinks I’m insane for not ALWAYS HAVING SNACKS for them. WHAT?! That’s why kids don’t eat their dinner, because they just ate Goldfish an hour ago. sigh.

I’m also in my 30's and can’t believe my friends who are always complaining about simple health issues that could be solved by just DRINKING SOME FRIGGING WATER. “but I don’t like it!” they say. “You are dumb and doing this to yourself” I say back.

Aww but I love them. Their “oversharing” makes them seem normal, i.e. they talk about things you’d talk to your friends about. I think it’s endearing. They don’t pretend their lives are totally glamorous and amazing all the time - they talk about real-life normal things.

Thank you. Wise words <3

“When you think of it that way, a gate in the door is practically free-range parenting.” haha! Exactly! They do sell mesh “cage” things here in the US but knowing my kids, they’d have figured out how to escape within minutes. Or ripped it open with their teeth...

Ummmm that sounds like heaven! A kid who can both MAKE and DELIVER coffee?!?! YES PLEASE!!

I feel like there’s gotta be a sweet spot somewhere in the “big kid” through “pre-driving” years when you enjoy sleep... I HOPE! (Mine are only 2 and 4, and though they sleep through the night, I’m still exhausted because... 2 and 4 year olds.) I remember myself as a 13 year old, and I never wanted to get out of bed.

Good advice! I have baby gate on my toddler’s door so she can’t get out and wander around the house/burn it down while I sleep. I have a baby monitor so she can call to me if she needs me. At first I felt like I was caging her like an animal, but SO many parents have reassured me that I’m doing the right thing and

Oooohhh this would be so good!!!!

I was terrified at that moment too!! So good!

I LOVE THIS SHOW. I will watch Kristin Bell in anything and Ted Danson is a gem. And Janet might be my favorite character on TV right now. “Bad Janet” made me cry with laughter! Praying we get a second season of this...

YES. More people care now today than yesterday. And so what if it’s only half, or a quarter of them, that start showing up more? That’s MORE PEOPLE WHO CARE. Who cares WHY they got involved, but maybe it really affected some people deep down to be a part of something and want to continue in that spirit.

They’re the only t-shirts that gives the illusion that my boobs are bigger than they are (so, not big in any sense of the word)

Yeah, only a FEW of the items were well made. Those I stocked up on.