shooting magical symbols

I’m going to start doing this. I feel like when I watch tv in bed on my laptop to fall asleep, I fall asleep but it’s not relaxing, then in a sleepy haze I need to close the laptop, put it somewhere safe, and lay back down. It wakes me up! At least with a book you can just roll over on top of it if you fall asleep

I used to read SO MUCH when I lived in NYC. All that time just sitting on the subway- I read so many books a year! Now, with a 20 minute drive each way to work, I COULD do audiobooks... but I can’t. I get distracted by actually paying attention to the road. And once my very young children are in bed, sometimes it’s

Yeah. At my last job I worked with a woman (late 20's at the time) who ate Lean Cuisine EVERY. DAY. It made me sad and I don’t know why. Not like my lunches were anything gourmet (leftovers from home, or PB&J on the laziest days), but for some reason even a PB&J seems better than Lean Cuisine!

Same. I used to dread my period, and now I don’t. It’s so simple and convenient!

YES!!! How could we leave that out?! It truly is the BEST. EVER.

YES!!! How could we leave that out?! It truly is the BEST. EVER.

right?!?! I think people who are voting for this other garbage just haven’t tried Zoya.

right?!?! I think people who are voting for this other garbage just haven’t tried Zoya.

Just looking at these gives me a toothache/headache. Gross!

Yeah I just keep thinking of the crumbs/sticky mess that these would leave behind, and I HATE IT. This is dumb. Milkshakes on their own are delicious. WHY MESS WITH SUCCESS?!

Yeah! I have a friend like you who had her first at 20 and 2nd in her early 30's and she was like, “HOLY SHIT IT WAS SO MUCH HARDER THIS TIME.”

Yeah this is interesting... like if you have them when you’re young, it ages you less. I feel like even though I only had mine 2 years apart, I felt like the 2nd one was so much harder and I looked so much OLDER after I had her. Then again, this could be a having 1 kid vs 2 kids thing, too...

Yeah, when I was pregnant I just microwaved the hell out of cold cuts before I ate them, if I was craving them. Mostly everything made me want to vom, so it wasn’t a problem too many times...

Damn, now I want tuna-noodle casserole!

I just ate lunch but I’d totally eat 2nd lunch if that was in front of me, because HOLY SHIT THAT LOOKS DELICIOUS

I feel like that too about Daredevil! People have been raving about it, and I like it enough I guess... but like 3 nights in a row I fell asleep trying to watch it... not a good sign!

Meh, my husband was 28 and I was 29 when we had our first. We still play video games and go out and do whatever we want (I mean, within reason, for the most part), it just takes a little bit more planning! We LOVE being parents and are still young (at 32 and 33). It’s a lot of fun!

I know I’ve told this story on Jez before, but my cousin had her fist at 38 or 39, and her second like, a year and a half later. I saw her when the young one was a newborn, and I was about 25. She grabbed me by the shoulders and said, “DO IT. DO IT NOW. DO NOT WAIT. I FEEL LIKE I’M DYING FROM EXHAUSTION. MY BODY IS

Well that explains why I USED to like it (and it seemingly “worked”) and lately it’s just... blegh. Plus in the winter my skin is just a dessert. My cheeks are always red and bumpy :(

Well that explains why I USED to like it (and it seemingly “worked”) and lately it’s just... blegh. Plus in the

This is really interesting, tell me more about why the formula isn’t great (esp. tell me what beauty insiders know in the industry). No snark, I’m serious... I want to know! So I’ve been using DMML for years on and off, and it’s the only thing that doesn’t seem to give me zits, HOWEVER, it doesn’t seem moisturizing

This is really interesting, tell me more about why the formula isn’t great (esp. tell me what beauty insiders know

Good ol’ Can of Soda! I’m actually from a place even smaller than Whitesboro, but close by. There were 80 of us in my graduating class!
