
To think that modern medicine is such a magnificent gift in the face of this disease and Charlie Sheen is there to just say “eh fuck that” is MYSTIFYING

Who the FUCK is telling Americans that Mexican quaks are great, when not even us Mexicans would actually go with these people! I really want to know who is telling these epic urban legends about amazing non-certified cheap plastic surgeons and alternative treatments against cancer and HIV, because we sure as fuck


It never was about deciding guilt. It is about deciding if both of them received a fair trial. Avery’s case was put together by officers that owed him MILLIONS of dollars, hated him, and had wrongfully incarcerated him on purpose before. The kid hardly has shit for brains and yet got forced to confess all kinds of

What about Brendan? I think he got the shittiest end of the stick and should also be getting some free legal counsel.

You should watch it. What those people did is disgusting. Especially to Brendan Dassey. His lawyer was just ....UGH! Be prepared for a good range of infuriated emotions!

I was going to say that they kind of avoid the trope of “LOOK AT THE WORST THING THAT CAN HAPPEN TO A WOMAN” by having it happen to an alpha male but then remembered that a) rape of anyone as a plot device = NOT GREAT, BOB and b) the book falls right into the pit of Magical Healing Lovesex a few chapters later, which,

Did you not watch it? She was fed misinformation and the DNA evidence proved that it wasn’t Avery.

Watch the documentary. Then read Kratz’s response to it, and you’ll see how empty the criticism of it is. Also, the filmers were working on this project loooong before it was picked up by Netflix.

....You should at least Google the guy

Perhaps I needed fewer shots with my beer chaser because I saw the same thing.

Thank you for addressing cognitive dissonance! Pertinent and on target.

I am sorry for your loss and I admire and support your decision to report him to the police.

I had working parents and was an active kid, back in olden times before cell phones existed. And I turned out ok, and so did my friends. The “neccesity’ of cell phones is totally fake, created by Steve Jobs so you would make him a zillionaire. Like, what would happen if we did not have cell phones? We would all be

Although there’s probably a more specific term that involves one’s judgement of family members/close friends, I’d go with good old-fashioned confirmation bias. Maybe a dash of cherry-picking thrown in for good measure.