
Crazy too considering I was married for 15 years. The best part of reminiscing is the sex, hands down.

You could start a blog with that post alone.

He was the best sex partner Ive had out of triple digits, now that I think back on it. Too bad he was a pathological narcissist. To answer your question, he didnt have a preference.

No, and I was wondering when someone would ask how this is relevant. Its cuz the article discusses how most species evolve so piss goes AWAY from the face. So, my ex could prove otherwise.

Can you share pictures? Im not good at searching porn.

Oh my gosh please share what you find!

Couldn’t finish? My ex could. Maybe that’s what was weird - wanting to know if he swallowed but also not wanting to ask.

I dont know, I didnt ask. I did stuff when I was in middle school that Im too embarassed to ever tell anyone, so I can relate. And no, Im def not sharing it here.

What’s your porn quota?

He did. It was a reluctant admission and he was embarassed after he told me.

I agree that the movie was dull compared to the book. And you should read Dark Places, its fabulous!

An ex admitted he used to suck his own dick when he was a flexible teenager.


Yes, I agree it’s real. #nursesseeallpenii

Thanks for answering. I dont know why people have to get offensive when a simple question is asked.

Why does the system allow this? Former BART rider here, and you need a ticket to get out. I dont remember turnstile hopping being a problem there.

People are commenting that this practice is misogynistic, religious or patriarchical. That may be, but I think in a lot of cases it’s deeply rooted in age-old cultural practices. Furthermore, it would be interesting to do a per country analysis of FGM as it relates to circumcision. I would bet they correlate.

Ive frequented food banks over the last few months, and ALL of the food is expired. That and obviously something the store bought that people refused to buy, like rosemary flavored crackers.

There are. I only know that from reading this site, so perhaps others can give details.

I wonder if this is giving Carl Hiassen an idea for a new book.