
Yes, the wild chickens thrive on all the islands :)

No, it just means that if you want them, you can have them. Some of our laws go back to Native Hawaiian practices, and being able to live off the land is part of the culture. As is cockfighting unfortunately, although technically that's illegal.

No, you are allowed to have at least two chickens per person.

Chickens eat pests, and in the process are little rototillers while also providing their poo as fertilizer. Early agriculture?

At one point I used ATTsucks1. Always made me laugh anyway.

Back in the day I used attsucks1. Still my favorite.

Good point. Despite what watching Nurse Jackie has led many to believe, narcotics are highly controlled and unless someone is willing to risk losing a license they worked many years for, difficult to steal. Maybe in the OR, but much less likely in the ER.

Demerol is given by injection, not IV, in most cases. Either way, her story makes no sense because she specifically said morphine, and shots.

I agree, more info is needed. When I was an ER nurse, morphine and most other pain meds were given by IV, not injection. Her account sounds sketchy, whereas the doc has what appear to be great credentials. Putting his face up like this, people will assume he's guilty. Ugh all the way around, regardless of whether he

Not from me. I’m wondering if whoever ungreyed you regrets that now. But if you got something out of it, good for you.

Wasn't the driving joke referring to her killing someone while driving pre transition? If so, it's funny and relevant.

This stuff is supposed to be good:

The books have been out for at least ten years and Gabaldon has a HUGE female reader fan base. A female writer, writing historical fiction, she was lucky to get a series picked up by Starz. Whereas GoT is written by a guy, and maybe more appealing to male readers.

How did you get ungreyed?

Fact: footage in the documentary was filmed ten years ago.

But what about Lt. Lenk?? IF this were a docu-drama, I would expect the next episode to focus on him planting the evidence against Avery.

“I don’t know anything about this case but”

So I read your response too fast and “fewer” turned ‘pap’ into ‘fap’.

Madonna - “My 14-year-old son is absolutely not satisfied with all my accomplishments” - here’s your narcissistic mother of the year award.