
My best friend found her brother’s Playboys when we were about 13. Oh did we have fun. In between going to the pool or playing Trouble, we would make tents and steal a magazine and explore our newfound sexuality. She and I did some stuff back then that even anonymously i wouldn’t discuss. I credit the magazine and my

Congrats on your sobriety. I’m going to mention this story tonight at my AA mtg and give thanks to the program for all those people it has helped.

BTW my profile pic is a pic of the smallpox vaccine

Good question. As a nurse, I am not allowed to give ANY medication without a doctors order. Thus the need to go to the cockpit and have the pilot radio a doctor.

Thanks! You are the only person who read the story, and that is sad. I'd hoped more people read it.

I was on a flight on Air France, Paris to SFO, when a doctor was requested. I saw nobody respond, so I asked the flight attendant if I, being an RN, could help.

C.A. Pinkham is rolling in his grave right now. Yeah!!!

“That’s like, the WASPiest, rich person phrase anyone has ever uttered.”

Favorite read of the WEEK! Thanks Joanna!

“The London Zoo has received some unwanted attention after a meerkat expert, monkey handler, and llama keeper became embroiled in a love triangle, culminating when one woman hit another woman in the face with a wine glass at the zoo’s Christmas party. “

Am I the only one annoyed that Abby has to share the spotlight?

Quoting you: “ do believe me when I say that the Marine in question is fucked in every sense and context of that word. He’s a pariah in every sense, too. Everyone he considered a friend or a comrade will be against him. He very well may just kill himself, because his fate is truly THAT much worse.... that is, if

Hey Fifth, sorry you’re having a bad day. But! Your bible knowledge is what is needed here.

Two words: coconut oil.

Someone once told me that all walmarts are supposed to be set up the same. But they’re not and it drives me crazy. Please Walmart, make all your stores have the same layout. Its bad enough that I have to shop there, but wandering around that horrible store? Life’s too short.

Does she need more money? I'm thinking she needs more money.

Wait, I’m not sure I understand the criminal justice system. Why has she been named and charged, and he hasn’t?

I think a lot of information is missing, and that pisses me off. Who is this guy? What is his name? What are the military going to do?

But what if this were a power and/or duress situation?

But...what if he forced her to do it? Obviously we don’t know much, but what if she needed money and he solicited her and took advantage of her?