
I'm choosing to support MAC and NOT PETA or Pam.

Currently, phase 2.

I have a few minutes before heading in to work. I’m going to see if I have a picture on this device to post. I’ll answer all your questions later. And thanks for your support, I’m contemplating coming out of the closet about this because you are interested and I met a guy recently who has seen it and still likes me ;)

I’ve been wearing MAC Viva Glam lipstick since 2003. 100% of the proceeds go to HIV community based organizations. I know they keep their word because I used to work at a CBO and the MAC grant every year was huge.

Josh probably could blame his parents. I've long believed they're both sex addicts who found a Christian way to make it okay to fuck all the time. He inherited it from them. My two cents.

Great attitude! That helps, trust me. Do you have a pic of you walking all the cats?? I'd LOVE to see that!

When I teach ethics to my first semester nursing students, I tell them that if they don’t believe in abortion, they probably shouldn’t work for an ob/gyn.

I got two semi-kittens after moving into the tent. They are fine with it although I have more than once yelled “hey you guys go outside and play”. Cats in a bus? Litter box and/or leashes? What other animals?

I agree. Good for you guys for having the guts to live out of a bus, and I think you’re right that it could be fun.If you want some ideas and websites let me know. There already are a bunch for people who live on the road, so it should be easy to find resource forums (as opposed to Blogs). First recommendation would

Thank you thank you! I got flooded yesterday (the remnants of Hurricane Kilo) and shit sucked for a while.

While I partake of porn, I really don't like how it messes with people's heads and creates expectations that we in normal relationships must then aspire towards. Witness the shaved pussy. Not done for the most Part till porn made it a thing.

My daughter and I were visiting the Greek antiquities section at the Louvre, where almost nothing is behind a barrier. She and I spent the day muttering to each other and cringing as we watched kid after kid blithely walk by touching every.single.piece. Marble from thousands of years ago, and the parents never noticed

Thanks for the clarification.

The purpose of the train is to reduce drunk driving in the Napa Valley. Before it, people would drive their cars, getting more and more drunk as they went from winery to winery. The good people of Napa built the train so people could taste as many wineries as possible, meanwhile becoming too drunk to drive to said

Plus add the fact that the women he’s looking for are married, so he (or to make this less personal towards him and more about any guy who’d rather have sex with a married woman, I’ll say “they”) are willing to potentially ruin not only their own marriage, but also that of the married woman’s.

My cat lived in a dusty area and wasn’t the cleanliness cat as the wall by the cat door turned red from the dirt.

I’ve heard that fruitcake for weddings is “done”, but why? Nobody likes it.

Ooh I loved it when she gave birth last time. Via the National Zoo app, I could watch the cub cam any time. It was fun to watch her grow up.

I’d like to discuss feminism and garbage. I live alone, in a place with no trash pickup, so have to take it to the local dump. Every time I go, when there is a couple there, the man dumps the trash while the woman stays in the front seat. Every time.

How do you manage to be so successful?